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Message started by beadbabe on Nov 28th, 2007, 1:35am

Title: another ecg
Post by beadbabe on Nov 28th, 2007, 1:35am

Just an update on my new and increased symptoms.
Have been having constant ectopics since Saturday - absolutely 24 hours a day with no more than 8 normal beats between bouts of thumping and fluttering.
Went to see practice nurse who referred me on to GP, who then wanted to do an ECG there and then. so he did. Kind of reassuring that he took me seriously and not like a nutter which I am worried they have marked me as.
Anyway, the nurse took an ecg and doctor looked at it and said it was ectopics. But I am wondering because they only take ecg for such a short time, it wasn't really showing the ectopics at their worst - several but not a big old spurt of them that is happening a lot at the moment.

And I am worrying - how will I know if the ectopics have turned into something dangerous - eg. if there are loads of PVCs, how do I know they are not ventricular tachycardia - which is one of my big fears.

ECG result - just ectopics. I don't want them any more - I just want a normal heartbeat so I can go about my normal life. Life is great at the moment - my kids are so cute, I have good friends, good stuff going on, so why this crappy condition. (Anxiety and panic sometimes there still but not so bothered by that - only the constant palpitations.)

Is there any medical evidence that a flu virus can bring on your symptoms?

bead xx

Title: Re: another ecg
Post by saab on Nov 28th, 2007, 3:35am

I feel the same - I have such a fantastic life in so many ways, with nothing to worry about except these ectopics! I often feel like I live life under a cloud. Even when I don't have them, they are in the back of my mind. When I do have them - total anxiety, convinced I am seriously ill.  At least the ecg was okay - the thing is, it's about what they don't show as much as what they show. An ecg can show serious heart arrythmias - ours just show ectopics.

When I was having my hysterectomy, one of the night nurses noticed my ectopics on the monitor I was hooked up to. She got a young doctor to do an ecg - he confirmed it was just multiple ectopics and nothing to worry about. He then told me he got tachycardia after exercise and drinking - and had had a few trips to A and E. I explained how anxious my missed beats made me and questioned how he could be relaxed with something like vtach - he said that he knew it wouldn't kill him, and he just decided to get on with his life, still drinking and playing football. I wish I could have that attitude - for me it is battle to ignore them, not something I can just shrug off.

One of the worst aspects is that it has made me very anxious about the health of my family - I worry alot about them now, when we should really just be enjoying what is probably the best period in our lives.

I do think being under the weather can bring them on. I really hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: another ecg
Post by angiebaby on Nov 28th, 2007, 4:04am

I am so sorry that you are still suffering so badly right now.
Great news that your ECG is ok, even though i think you knew it would be really, just checking like we do.  But that is good news indeed.  It doesn't make it any easier to live with though does it?  I know.
About that doctor and his taccy, i think it happens to most of us, it certainly does to me a lot - no matter what i do, but i do not drink alcohol at all anymore because i only have to have one little drink and my heart rate shoots straight up!  And also makes me even more dizzy, lol.  Shame really cus i too used to have a life and enjoy it, look forward to things and carry on regardless, as we all did once.  It is very sad isn't it? :'(  Oh what we wouldn't give for a time machine on ebay.x

Title: Re: another ecg
Post by RLR on Nov 28th, 2007, 4:28am

Okay, I've made numerous postings regarding the prognosis of benign palpitations and your question, "how will I know if the ectopics have turned into something dangerous," is a perception that lies well beyond the scope of possibilities where this is concerned.

Begnign palpitations do not ever turn into anything else, certainly nothing dangerous. You are making presumptions and placing more trust in your own perception of the issue than relying upon medical facts.

There is no medical evidence whatsoever to support the onset of V tach as a result of benign palpitations. None. You will never develop this condition as a consequence of the type of palpitations you are experiencing. V tach is a response by the heart to actual cardiopathology. Your heart is entirely normal and can never be damaged by benign palpitations, which are not originating from within the heart at all, but mere represent an inappropriate signal from vagus nerve stimulation. Nothing more. Not now, not ever. That's a medical fact and you must not continue to believe that it's somehow going to be different in your case. It's not.  

Another clue in your statement is that you attempt to make no direct association between the palpitations and the presence of your anxiety, as though they are somehow separate. The palpitations exist because of the anxiety and panic and occur as a direct result of dysregulation of the nervous system in certain regards. These disorders can and do create physical symptoms, but that does not mean that you have physical disease of any nature whatsoever.

There is no medical evidence to support the presence of palpitations as a result of viral illnesses such as the flu. These illnesses can often bring about a temporary increase in heart rate and as a consequence you can more readily feel the palpitations to which you are already predisposed.

In order to reduce the frequency of your palpitations, you must confront the underlying origin of the problem, ie anxiety and panic. If you can concentrate on making a reduction where this is concerned, the palpitations will abate.

My suggestion here is that you seek out Kathryn and ask how she's getting along. It was but a short year or so ago that she could not even leave the house without dire consequences. She is now the head of finance for an organization and continues to improve. Her condition is no different than your own. You share the same symptoms.

You're not going to ever suffer any kind of catastrophic event from the palpitations. It will not reduce your lifespan by even a moment.

Best regards and Good Health  

Title: Re: another ecg
Post by beadbabe on Nov 28th, 2007, 4:59am

Thanks for everyone's postings.
And RLR for taking time too.

Actually I do accept that palpitations are caused by anxiety but I don't understand when my anxiety is lower than it has been in over a year (and I have also been unable to leave the house during two worst times) why the symptoms increase when the anxiety is going down.

Shouldn't the symptoms be decreasing with corresponding decrease in anxiety. I have only had panicky moments once in the last month - the rest of the time some anxiety there but most times I am getting on with my life - taking kids to swimming, school and nursery, I teach jewellery making in evening class, I am even selling some of my own jewellery at an exhibition, I am going to Lapland, I am cracking on with some copywriting as my new career plan, I am going to the gym. I think I am quite a capable person, but don't understand the link as an inverse relationship to the anxiety I have now compared with the start of all this.

Once I was an intelligent high achiever, but I have downgraded it all to be the best mum I can be for my kids, as I couldn't manage 'having it all' as they say. As I'm not cut out for it.

Generally I do feel I am on my way out of this - though still some way to go!

Title: Re: another ecg
Post by Kathryn on Dec 5th, 2007, 11:49pm

Your doing well, you still are a high achiever being a mum is probably one of the most difficult jobs there is, you're in constant demand, it's unpredictable and you have to make life changing decisions for your children on a daily basis, every decision you make can in one way or other can have a effect on your children.

For example I was a stay at home mum, now I am at work part time and have a couple more commitments, my decision to go back to work was not a easy one and that decision has had a impact on my childrens lives, like I can't pick my daughter up from nursery ot my older children from school on those days, although they will benefit from the additional income.

You can have it all but you need to take time for yourself, being a mum and a person in your own right is not a easy thing to balance.

Sit back and take time to work out what is stressing you at present even if it is very minor, make sure your not eating or drinking anything that could irritate your palpitations, and challenge and rationalise any negative thoughts.

Take care, and make sure you take some relaxation time for you.

Kath x

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