Heart Palpitations Forum
http://palps.chemicalforums.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl Heart Palpitations Forum >> Symptoms and other concerns >> Need Clarification - Cardio report http://palps.chemicalforums.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl?num=1369747376 Message started by Beany on May 28th, 2013, 6:22am |
Title: Need Clarification - Cardio report Post by Beany on May 28th, 2013, 6:22am Hi Everyone, I've been lurking here for some time but have just received my cardio report and wonder whether someone could help me understand what he's saying? Just a short background, starting having PVCs at Christmas, finally went to Dr who did 24 ECG and found nothing of concern except very slow sleeping heart rate so sent me to cardio. Had echo done and another ECG. This is what he found: 1. 1/6 ejection systolic murmur heard best over pulmonary area, but with normal splitting of the second sound. 2. Left anterior hemiblock with a QRS axis of -49 degrees 3. Occasional ventricular ectopics with normal left ventricular function 4. Unusual continuous flow probably from superior vena cava. I have only listed stuff that is anything other than normal - he goes on to say that it seems like I have post extra systolic potentation with no evidence of sustained tachycardia. He has arranged a 7 day ECG which I have fitted next Monday. He says that his only minor worry is that I may have 'anomalous venous drainage', but is going to check ECG readings before doing anything else. He is considering sending me for an MRI (but have told him I won't do this as VERY claustrophobic!). Please can anyone tell me if they've had similar diagnoses and what any of it means? I'm OK with 1 and 3 but am particularly worried about 2 and 4? Can anyone shed some light please? Thanks Beany |
Title: Re: Need Clarification - Cardio report Post by richie on May 28th, 2013, 10:42am I wish i could help you and RLR isnt seen here in almost a month I advice you to ask your question on the allexperts forum. heart aera and than Dr Richardson. he will help you |
Title: Re: Need Clarification - Cardio report Post by Robert Tos on Jul 3rd, 2013, 11:55pm Maybe cardio just isn't so great for weight loss after all, or maybe people are just not performing cardio training correctly. |
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