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Just had a massive panic attack! (Read 18740 times)
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Just had a massive panic attack!
Oct 15th, 2007, 2:56am
Got up late this morning and started feeling dizzy and woozy.  By the time i got downstairs i could feel my heart racing but tried to pay it no attention.  Managed to get to the car, just about, and by this time i was worse.  Very dizzy and 'out of it' and my heart was going crazy although no ectopics.
I sat in the car trying to distract myself and it just got worse.  I was controlling my breathing fine, no hyperventilation at all but this has never been a problem i have had anyway.  I thought i would not be able to cope and i would just pass out and die!  It just wouldn't stop at all.  In the end i said to my hubby that he better take me to the hospital and gave him my wrist.  He felt my pulse and just looked at me and said my colour was good, asked me if i had any pain, which i didn't, and he just said 'your fine'.  I was shaking so much i couldn't keep my hand still but he just looked unconcerned.  I thought i had flipped into taccy and i would have to go the hospital to be shocked or something.  I was just so terrified, after about 10 minutes of this, and my heart rate was going so fast it has never been this fast before f0r me - about 240 bpm - it started to calm down and now i am just left very upset and fed up of being and feeling like this, and very shaky and scared.  And feeling tired and yawning.  This was so bad and it has really scared me, the worst part of course was my heart doing about 240, i have never had this before.  Will i be ok?
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #1 - Oct 15th, 2007, 3:39am
Hi Angie
I am just about to go out to pick up little one so cant send a long reply.
But yes, I have had this before - many times my heart rate has been above 180 (not able to count it really) and it has always passed after about 20 mins to half an hour. Many times I have gone to hopsital or called an ambulance and we live really close to a hospital but it is always normal by the time they get here or I get there. It might be still doing 90 odd but they say that's okay.

Had it this morning in fact sitting at my friends house. 20 mins - it is normal (ish) now.

You will be okay. People like us seem to get this.

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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #2 - Oct 15th, 2007, 4:32am
You likely experienced a mild run of PAT or paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, which can occur to folks with or without anxiety. The shaking is caused by a spike in adrenaline and results mostly from fear.

Since you've had testing to confirm the absence of any heart problems, this is probably an isolated incident. If you feel concerned about it, then you can always consult with your primary care physician.

You'll be fine.

Best regards and Good Health
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #3 - Oct 15th, 2007, 4:38am
Oh that is interesting what RLR says, because I used to be much worse when I got these episodes because I also would shake and feel much more ill than I do when the same happens now. I am still scared when it happens but not as terrified as when it first started happening, and I understand that if you get frightened when it happens it takes longer to wear off as you are adding to the whole scenario by your adrenaline response because of fear. These days when I have it, I get it and I feel quite awful and uncomfortable and have scarey thoughts but I also know I can say to myself this has happened quite a few times now and I was okay when it passed.

I wasn't in a scary situation I was just sitting down with two of my best friends, who both know well what I am like (one suffers from PAs herself) so I wasn't least anxious. The heart weird rhythm kicked in and I just had to wait it out. A year ago I would have had an ambulance on the phone.

Hard to believe but these things are not dangerous if your heart is normal.

Bead x
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #4 - Oct 15th, 2007, 10:53am
So do you still think it was panic related, given my past and recent experiences.  Never had any problems before i got the PTSD three years ago.  I was terrified and didn't think i would survive.  I am quite worried about what RLR said about me flipping into tacchycardia like that, doesn't take much to get me worried now a days.  Should i have gone to the hospital then or what?  Still scared as you can tell.
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #5 - Oct 15th, 2007, 11:13am
Well - guess what? I didn't develop any of these symptoms before panic attacks started. prior to that I had no weird heart rhythms. But I don't think it was a panic attack you had because I think they are quite different as I have both.

I don't think you needed to go to hospital because you are okay again now. As I mentioned many times I went to the A&E with this, and sometime the doctors were just irritated to have me there because they told me palpitations never killed anyone so I wasn't an emergency and why was I there.

(How I love being made to feel like an idiot, you can imagine!)

Are you feeling better now that the scare has passed - it might take a while.

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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #6 - Oct 15th, 2007, 12:24pm
The more i think about it the more i think it was a panic attack, but of extreme measures.  It lasted about 10 minutes in total and believe me that was enough by anyone's standards.
I am still very sad and upset about it and still scared as well.  Bp and pulse are totally fine, but i still feel shaky.
When i think back to today i also have the feeling that today hasn't happened, well bits of it anyway.  I know that is normal too, but still scary.
It scared me because my heart rate was so very fast, i would have been ok if it had been like the other attacks i have had i think, but this was a cracker!!
I have been talking to someone else who has pa's and anxiety and has had for over 20 years and she said it was a panic attack and i am absolutely fine and it was nothing to worry about, she says that it has happened to her a lot over that time and knows what it feels like and it is ok and i should just forget about it now.  I told her that after the episode i went to a couple of shops and i was ok, she said this is because the anxiety had burned itself off after the 'explosion'.  I cannot just forget it, i admit, and i know that i should.  But i just keep thinking how fast my heart was going and how scared it made me.  I really tried to just let it all go and distract myself but nothing helped at all.  In fact i think it made me worse to be honest.  My hubby said that i would be fine and he has had this much of a panic before lots of times, but that didn't help either.  I am such a mess right now.
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #7 - Oct 15th, 2007, 3:08pm
Hi Angie,
you have been through so much just lately that your whole nervous system will be extremely sensitised & 'trigger happy'. It probably won't take much to set off palps. Also, the fear will just keep feeding it so it's really not unusual for it to last about 10 minutes. Sometimes I have had panic attacks that keep coming in waves for afew minutes or even hours.
Your brain is just wired to respond to palps with panic.
We know what you're going through, just try really hard to forget about it & concentrate on being as calm & relaxed as possible now. I can feel the anxiety in your post & really feel for you.
Hope you feel better soon.
Take care
love Seffie xx
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #8 - Oct 16th, 2007, 1:00am
HI angie
Hope you are feeling better this morning. What seffie says sounds really reasonable.
I don't think my heart things are panic attacks because they are so distinct from the panic attacks - these for me anyway, have a greater element of fear and weirdly the heart symptoms when I have a panic attack are quite minor compared to these fast heart rhythms. But who knows, because as we've already all discussed many times, panic attacks can change their appearance just when you think you've got a grip on them.

I understand that you are feeling really scared by it, because I am scared by heart episodes like this too, although gradually a little less so than last year.

What I don't get though is that many people (most people) have bad things that happen to them, but they don't all end up with funny heart things going on to frighten them. I never once had anything odd occur with my heart until a few months after my first panic attack (when I did think I was going to die). And PTSD that you have, is just another variety of anxiety/panic - it's all caused the same way by our brains and bodies. yet I still don't understand that something so severe can occur when there is 'nothing really wrong'.


Or put it another way, my cardiologist told me my husband was more likely to drop down dead of a heart related cause than me. And I don't worry about that happening to my husband, so in this context, given all the fears I have about my own heart, they do seem irrational, don't they?

Hope all thsi helps

bead xxxx
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #9 - Oct 16th, 2007, 9:21am
Thankyou so much for your kind replies, i know that i'm not on my own in this.
Seen my counsellor today and she agrees that it was a severe panic attack and YES your heart can go that fast during a panic attack.  So perhaps i am normal after all, lol.  She was impressed with me today as i didn't break down, was close a couple of times but never cried.  Have done well today really, been to see her and then picked up the results from my allergy test i had done at the chinese shop - loads of stuff on it and things that i LOVE, not good.  Been the shop too and i was ok, just having a lot of dizziness today, quite bad, but am trying to cope with it and not worry about it.
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #10 - Oct 17th, 2007, 3:12am
well done to you! You are doing well!

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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #11 - Oct 19th, 2007, 12:26am
Hi Angie,
you sound a lot better & more positive! I have often had a panic attack & couldn't see at the time that that was what it was, I have so often said to my husband it's not a PA it's something else. But when I've had time to calm down I often realise that yes it was. The trouble with PA's I have found is that they can come in many different guises & so you don't always recognise them. I think if they were exactly the same every time you would soon lose your fear of them. The heart stuff is what usually triggers a PA for me but they can also appear to come out of the blue too.

By the way, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I don't think that there would be anything wrong with you breaking down at your therapy session, I don't necessarily think that your therapist should say that's a good thing as surely crying is a sign from your body that it needs to release sadness or some other emotion. Please don't take that the wrong way as it's not really any of my business, but I think if you feel you need to cry then you should! Of course this is coming from someone who cries at adverts & when reading card verses in shops etc!!
Hope you're feeling better today!
love Seffie xx
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #12 - Oct 19th, 2007, 8:43am
Thankyou for your kind replies and thanks Seffie for making me giggle!
I too could quite easily cry at the drop of a hat and i think she was just congratulating me on keeping myself together for once, lol.
I have cried and cried and cried infront of her and i hate crying infront of people, my hubby and i were together for 12 years and he only saw me cry TWICE in that time!  Now we have been together 15 years and i do nothing but cry.
Still feeling rough on and off throughout the day and am suffering a lot with my dizziness and also these heavy, lifeless and 'won't move' legs.  I find that i have to force myself out of the chair and i feel like my legs don't want to go, or wouldn't hold my weight if i did stand up.  It is different to 'jelly legs' as i also get that one.  Also a lot of horrible feelings of not wanting to do anything or go anywhere, don't know why but it seems different to normal anxiety.  Like my hubby just coming in, i dreaded the time he would come home and walk through the door and greet me!  Don't know why, but anything at all gives me this feeling.  Expecting my kids to come to the car from school, i get that feeling but i don't know how to discribe it properly, very odd.  Just putting it down to another symptom i'm going through.  Perhaps that one is linked to the dreaded depression side of things, i don't know, but i know i don't like it at all.
It is nice to know that i can come on here and people care enough to answer my ramblings and care about me, i am grateful.
Apart from all that, lol, i suppose i am still here and managing in a fashion.  I miss my dad terribly and think about him all the time, even though it hurts like mad.  I do try not to think about it as it is a defence that if i don't think of him then it might not have really happened.  I find it really hard being with my mum and i know that sounds horrible but i do try and avoid it if possible or at least have my hubby with me when i need to go as i get so much unreality when i look at her and it is so very, very hard to be in the house and see his things and his car and that.  I suppose this might ease in time.
I did want to see if anyone knew one thing though.  I have PTSD and i am reading a medical self help for anxiety and panic book at the moment and it states that if you have PTSD, it might takes years, but you can be better, however, your personality might change.  I know that i am a different person now to who i used to be before i got ill, but everyone says that upon getting better you can be yourself again, even better than before.  So this has worried me a little.  Does anyone know anything about this or have heard anything?
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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #13 - Oct 19th, 2007, 12:19pm
The description you've just given sounds very like I was when I was first diagnosed with ectopics. My GP said it was like PTSS due to the operation I had being quite traumatic and then the shock of having the heart thing and being sent to A and E for tests. I just couldn't engage with anyone or anything and often had a sense of detachment from everything.

I once said to my husband that I wasn't the person I used to be (even though I'm a lot better than I was) - his response was that none of us are, we are all changing, we are all different than we were. I try now not to worry too much that I won't ever 'be myself' again - we are all affected by our experiences, so it would be strange if the upset we are suffering didn't have an effect on us.

Some changes will be positive, some negative - I am more  sympathetic now to people with stress or mental health problems, whereas I used to be a bit "oh pull yourself together". In a negative way though, I was always the sort of person who would walk a mile back to a shop to return the 20p I was overpaid in change - I wouldn't now, so in some ways I guess I am a bit more selfish. My aim is to get to a point where I am feeling well most of the time, I don't expect to be the person I was 3 years ago.

After not having had many ectopics since around April, mine have come back over the last two weeks. Can't think of a reason. I am also feeling them more in my chest too, which is quite distressing. I had them all day today and felt like crying - I've never actually cried about having them, even though it's been three years. It's just so frustrating when you feel you were on the way to getting over it all.

However, when I can get myself to think logically, I can see that this is just a hiccup - a bump in the road. This is the pattern of recovery though, I guess - it is never a graph where the line climbs steadily upwards, it is always up, down, up down, but still gradually going up.

Every year in October half term we go away with my sisters family - off to Cornwall tomorrow morning. Well, three years ago we went to Dunoon in Scotland - it was 9 weeks after my op, and 8 weeks after my overnight in A and E and ectopic diagnosis. I spent the week totally anxious, wouldn't leave the house without my husband or sister. Hardly spoke, took my mobile to the toilet in case I felt ill, printed off maps of the hospital just in case. Now, even though the ectopics are back - feeling them right now in my chest - I am still 100% better than I was three years ago.

I guess what I am saying is that you feel terrible now, but you won't always feel like this. There will be times when you feel bad, but it is possible to get better. There will always be setbacks, but thousands of people overcome anxiety, depression, PTSS - we aren't special, if proven techniques have worked for them, they can work for us. It just takes time and perseverance.

Sorry to hijack the thread a bit and go off on one. I hope you feel better soon.

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Re: Just had a massive panic attack!
Reply #14 - Oct 19th, 2007, 2:34pm
Thankyou for your reply and i suppose we are quite alike really.  Operation, three years, ectopics etc.
I hope you have a nice, stress free holiday and come back feeling refreshed!
Speak to you when you return, all the best.x
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