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Heart rate worries (Read 9960 times)
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Heart rate worries
Nov 22nd, 2007, 5:28am
I am sitting in a chair on my lap top and am accutely aware that my heart rate is pretty high for no apparent reason. I've just counted about 108 beats per minute and this is worrying me.

I've had this feeling a fair bit over the last week or so - where it makes you feel a bit jittery and shaky inside, and you can actually FEEL your heart beating fast, but for no particular reason.

I did put this down to feeling a bit fluey on and off for a couple of weeks - but because I'm now nearly 14 weeks pregnant, its worrying me more!

My anxiety has been a bit up and down since I found out I was pregnant, do you think its just down to this? I'm wondering if I ought to get checked out with the GP even though I have seen the cardio recently who says my heart is basically functioning fine.

Also I know that your heart rate increases when pregnant, but this just comes on quickly, lasts a while and then calms down again at times! Aarrgghh.

Just read angies post on her fast heart rate and that made me feel a little better, although my heart rate is up and down like a yo yo. Thought I'd just get some advice becuase of the pregnancy.

Thanks all...
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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #1 - Nov 22nd, 2007, 1:13pm
I think lots of us have had this funny thing, billy. But especially since you're pregnant I think you should mention it at your next check-up. It's important that the doctor has a full picture of how you are feeling and then they will take the best care of you!
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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #2 - Nov 22nd, 2007, 1:30pm
Thanks for your quick reply beadbabe, I think I will mention it to the GP and/or midwife when I next see them.

They've already referred me to a consultant obstetrician (sp?) because of the ectopics. It seems that in this country, even if the tests come back ok - the medical profession do not see that many people with such frequent ectopics and aren't quite sure what to do with us!! My GP prescribed medication for serious arrythmia's earlier in the year 'cos she had "never seen a case as bad" as mine - luckily I never took any of the tablets (consultant said they would have been very dangerous for me!)

And then this week my midwife asked if my heart "problem" could be something that could be passed on to the baby and I would be seen as a 'special care' pregnancy!! Marvellous! Just when you think you might be 'normal' lol.

It doesn' t help with the ressurance and anxiety does it when the 'experts' have never come accross people 'as bad as ' us!?

Sorry about the rant  Wink

I will mention the heart rate thing, but suspect its probably more to do with anxiety than pregnancy...but exagerated by the pregnancy perhaps?

Thanks again beadbabe!
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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #3 - Nov 23rd, 2007, 3:34am
Astounding isnt it? Sometimes there are some medical professionals should keep their mouths shut if they don't know about things. Is it any wonder we worry about our health with some individuals around? Of course most doctors do know what they are talking about!

I can assure you I have thousands of ectopics daily and I have been told not to worry. I didn't get my problems though till a couple of years after my second child but I doubt they cause any other problems than if your weren't pregnant.

and what a silly thing to say about giving it to the baby!!!
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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #4 - Nov 23rd, 2007, 2:14pm
We tend to expect that all medical professionals know everything, when of course they can't. When I had an ovarian cyst removed, after the op a nurse told me I might get vaginal bleeding. I said, "How can I? The cyst was on the outside of the ovary.. nowhere near the uterus", "Well you might," she said, when common sense  tells you it's not possible.

I once had a midwife checking the position of my second child at about 8 months - she pressed really hard on my stomach. Next thing I know she's saying I better go to hospital because the baby's heart rate is fast and wouldn't slow down. No wonder, you've been pressing on it... Trip to hospital, spell on the monitor, everything okay after a while.

They will be referring you on just to make sure you are getting the best and most appropriate care. When I developed my ovarian cyst at 3 months, I was back for a scan every few weeks, and I always saw the consultant, whereas most saw the midwives or lower doctors.

People with the most severe illnessses, conditions, and disabilities have healthy pregnancies and babies, so I am sure everything will be fine. You are well-informed about your health, so make sure they know about any concerns and I'm sure you will be fine.

I didn't enjoy either of my pregnancies - I had problems in both and worrried a lot. But, it turned out okay in the end - that's all that matters.
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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #5 - Nov 24th, 2007, 4:42am
Thanks for your reply Saab. You're right about them referring me for the best possible care, I guess I do feel a little reassured that I'll be seeing the consultant - I'd probably just worry even more if I thought they were'nt taking me seriously enough!!

I've got three cysts aswell by the way!! They're not giving me any trouble at the moment thought luckily.

The heart rate thing doesn't seem to have come back since wednesday, so I guess it was just one of those things. Its difficult when you're so 'body aware' isn't it? I'm sure lots and lots of people have all sorts of things going on inside them and are just not so finely tuned in as we are perhaps? I feel a lot of abdominal pain with the pregnancy too - not bad pain - just there most of the time, which I'm sure a lot of people without health anxiety would not even think about or feel!!

Why do we torture ourselves eh??   Roll Eyes

Thanks everyone for your advice - I pretty sure that you are mums yourselves, so expect a few more questions from me along the way!!!

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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #6 - Nov 24th, 2007, 6:46am
I am glad you are feeling better now and you are obviously concentrating on your 'tummy' now that you are pregnant as we all have so you may well notice things more like you say.  I am sure that you will be fine.  Glad your heart rate has calmed down now, it is horrible isn't it, i get it on and off and lasts for ages, still worries me but it always goes back down again.   As you say, to intuned to it now, never even thought about my heart rate before, lol.
I am a mother of three so know what it is like.  Ask as many questions as you like i am sure than none of us would mind a bit and we will help if we can.  Although i have had three children and i remember all of them with no problems, i still get the sense of 'can't believe i did that, did i really do it, wow, and it is much worse now they are so much older too, lol.  But i have lots of piccies to prove it was me, lol.
Hope you are still doing well today.x Wink
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #7 - Nov 25th, 2007, 12:57pm
Hi Angie,

Thanks so much for your kindness - it really means a lot. Did you suffer from anxiety before you had your children? Or did it all begin post babies??

I'm feeling a lot better today thank you! Had a great big pain in the side earlier, but was quite rational about it and it went away after 15 mins or so - but it didn't stop me from looking in all my pregnancy books just to check that it wasn't something hideous!! lol!!

Hopefully this pregnancy will be the 'making' of me! Nothing else has so far...

Thanks again - its so comforting to know that there's people out there who will always listen!

Hope you're doing well today too! You've been through so much this year and you've done really well to keep sane!

Best wishes xx
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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #8 - Nov 25th, 2007, 1:11pm
hi billy
You are still in early days aren't you? I remember having quite  a few tummy pains in early pregnancy and worrying all the time about that. But I did later find out it was ligaments stretching and nothing to worry about - felt a bit crampy.

I also had bleeding during both pregnancies (if you read the books you're pretty much guaranteed to be heading for a miscarriage) but I was fine both times. So I have big complaints about pregnancy and baby books. Never come to rely on them for info! One baby quite big at 8lb 8 and the other one a gigantic 10lb. And I survived both times despite being the biggest woose on the planet about blood, pain, health, hospital, needles, stitches etc.

BTW My anxiety didn't start till after the second baby!

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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #9 - Nov 26th, 2007, 5:07am
Hi there, glad you are feeling better, and who said that i had stayed sane, lol. Shocked
I think i have always been a very anxious person and i have had a phobia of my own blood since i was 6!!
So i did really well to have three children.  And the last one through a section which i stayed awake through.  Can't believe that now, lol.
All good sizes at: 8ob 3oz, 7lb 12oz (i think) and 6lb 12oz (i think), lol, memory ain't what it used to be!  I did have problems with the first two, but mainly hormonal.  And i did have a small loss over my third, but was fine.  So if i can go through all that, with the way that i was, then that must prove to you how brilliant you will do.  We are all here for you, you know that.
By the way, i agree with Bead, i didn't pay attention to the books either and my midwifes and doctors always said the wrong thing and frightened me silly for no reason too.  Take no notice, they can be very inconsiderate indeed.  The only thing i looked up in the books, didn't have the internet then, lol, was what size the baby was and what it was looking like at different stages.
You will be fine and how exiting it is for you and your family to be expecting a wonderful little bundle.  I always found that when I was pregnant it seemed to go on forever, yet when it was others it took no time at all.  Enjoy it and make the most of this wonderful time.  Do the things that i never did and regret - take it easy, let people help you and carry things for you, put your feet up and let people pamper and open doors and things for you.  I was always very independant and carried on working and looking after hubby, the house etc and I NEVER WADDLED AT ALL!!
I love looking at all the beautiful things you can get for children now, so gorgeous and cute, i get very broody indeed. Roll Eyesx
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: Heart rate worries
Reply #10 - Dec 5th, 2007, 11:35pm

When you are pregnant you gain so many pints of blood, (not sure how many) which your heart is having to pump, thats why some people get mild pregnancy heart murmurs, (well thats what I was told when I was pregnant) and you body is creating life so is working pretty hard, so it makes sense that your heart is having to work that little bit harder!

Try not to stress

Kath x

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Kath x
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