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I went back to work today! (Read 19086 times)
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I went back to work today!
Nov 30th, 2007, 9:47am
This was my first day back after 6 months.  Oh boy.
Well i am so sorry, but it was awful and much worse than i expected!!
I got there ok and got in there ok, hubby was with me. He stayed with me and sat outside my room in case i needed him. I got in my room and turned on my pc and that was it, i went to pieces. Everything was unreal and unusual and i felt i couldn't cope with it i just felt too weird. A colleague came in, early to help me, and she had got me a balloon, bless her! I was just sobbing! She took quite a few patients off my list so it wasn't as much for me but it wasn't reallly that that was the problem to be honest. I just felt so 'not here' and 'not with it' at all. Everything was so awful. I got all my things ready and i did see my patients and i did stay for the full 4 hours but sitting here writing this now it just seems like i havent been except for the fact that i am upset again because i have felt so ill ever since. It has just been so bad, i knew it would be bad, but i didn't really expect it to be quite as bad as that. Hubby is really proud of me for going and for staying and doing it but i don't know if i can go back again.
After work i had to nip to a shop, which i did, hubby with me and i got out of the car and walked in the shop fine and thought ok i can do this. I stood at the counter and all of a sudden both my ears shut off - i couldn't hear - the pressure was in my head and neck and i felt like i was going to pass out right there and then. I took a deep breathe and put my head down and eventually i went ok, but i havent had this symptom for a few weeks and not this bad for ages and ages. This really scared me, it was so very bad. Does anyone else get this? I am just suffering so very much right now, still got the unreality and my thoat feels closed off and swollen, even my tongue feels swollen. I am so sad and if i just sit in my chair, again, it isn't so bad, but if i move everything gets so bad again. Unreality, dizziness, the phone rang and i knew it would be my mum asking how i have done and i got a shot of panic that i would have to even talk to her!! These symptoms are so very awful!!
I don't feel like i have let anyone down because i did go and i did the full 4 hours, and the guilt should subside now as well which will be good. But i just feel so ill and scared, so 'out of it', not even in my own head.
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #1 - Nov 30th, 2007, 10:42am
Well done for going back and staying the full four hours. I know you have lots of physical symptoms, but your feelings sound very much like I used to feel after I was first diagnosed with ectopics - I was pretty much in a panic attack most of the day. If I had my husband with me I was much better, but still felt ill. Anywhere that involved enclosed spaces or interaction or groups of people made me panic. The nativity play in the school hall wasn't much fun that year, I can tell you.

The thing is, you have done the worse bit, the actual going back. You have done it and survived. The feeling of disassociation will pass eventually. You should be really proud of yourself. Don't give up now, when you've so well. Best wishes.
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #2 - Nov 30th, 2007, 2:14pm
Thanks Saab, i keep trying to tell myself that nothing is going to happen to me, the room is spinning, feeling not with it and spaced out and like i am drugged because of the anxiety and just let it happen, but the more i tend to try and let it happen the worse i feel and because there is no control i just feel like i will collapse.  It frightens me so much and i really try to just go with it and let it happen and i will be safe, but it just doesn't seem to help.  I really don't know what to do now as far as work is concerned.  I will go in on Monday and try again, but it just depends what happens then i suppose.
Thanks for the reply it is much appreciated, feeling so bad right now.x :'(
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #3 - Dec 1st, 2007, 11:47am
Right Angie - you did really well. Ignore the symptoms for a minute. You got there, you did it. And nothing happened. Nothing but a whole load of useless and unhelpful symptoms. Which you still get because your brain associates the experience with scariness.

You have to get back there without thinking too much about it. Your brain needs to unlearn the scariness associated with the experience. Whether it is at work, school run, any social situation, even going to the shops or just a home (in many of our cases). You can only do that by constantly exposing yourself to the situation and undergoing positive thoughts and experiences.

You will eventually have some positive thoughts and moments during the daywhich you need to note. And afterwards you need to note the positive. Even if it is - hey, I didn't collapse!!! It might take a long time but it will happen. You have taken the most frightening step by getting out there again and being there.

It is so tough - I am with there with you as I am out at work too. Today I was teaching all day - ectopics like you wouldn't believe and odd shots of panic and dizzy spells. You have to tough it out like I am doing. I think it is the only way to get better. I can't say it's pleasant but it seems the only way through or become a miserable recluse getting worse and worse at home, where your whole world eventually closes in on you - because ultimately everything becomes scarey even being at home alone.

Saab - right there with you on the social situations and school nativity one - I have one coming up and last years was a blur of panic. Just sitting in the school hall with lots of people was enough to put me on 100% anxiety. Any social situation now has me like an ectopic wreck.

Angie - you are doing so well. Do not let today's bad feelings get in the way of the better ones you will feel next time you go in. Persevere - nothing is going to happen to you. Anxiety is just a horrible friend you have to ignore - they keep hanging about - but they won't go away unless you ignore them and focus on a better kinder and more helpful friend!

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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #4 - Dec 2nd, 2007, 9:18am
Good luck for tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you. We were getting a new car on Monday (well, five years old, but new to us), but it won't be ready until Saturday now. We were at the dealership for ages yesterday. It wasn't that long ago that I couldn't have done that - I would have been in a state of panic having to deal with the salesmen and supervise two bored children. It just shows how far you can come in a short space of time.
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #5 - Dec 3rd, 2007, 11:07am
Thanks for the support!  Much appreciated, believe me.

Well, i went to work and i did it, i still suffered and really did not want to be there but i stayed and saw my patients.  It was difficult and hard to do and to concentrate as i was still spinning and floating.
Now my neck and up the back of my head is hurting and my ears are all off and funny again.  Feel full and 'dull' as if shutting off then this scares me as i think i will collapse and faint.  I know i never have but i have been very close a few times i think.
My bp was 99/63 which freaked me a bit, but i was reading sitting in a warm car at the time so that might be because i was quite relaxed right then.  Still worries me though.
I will go into work tomorrow and again just see how i go, if i can i will and if i can't then i will leave, the option is there and i suppose that makes me feel a little better even though i would feel very guilty and bad if i had to leave.  Dreading tomorrow, just like i was this morning and the unreality has been rearing his ugly head again on and off, sometimes quite severe today.  Now i sit here writing this i can't believe that i have been work and done it, seems like it never happened now to be honest.  But as i say, i will go tomorrow and try and just see how it goes again.
The thought of having to go there over and over for four times a week freaks me out, trying not to think about it, i think this is the depression rearing it's ugly head though.
Thanks again guys and i will keep you posted.x Wink
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #6 - Dec 3rd, 2007, 12:00pm
Well done again!
Please dont give in. If you start adding guilt into the equation you will feel worse because any negative emotion is going to make the anxiety worse. And then you maybe depression will start to weedle its way into your life as well.
Keep going - it's the only way to get over this feeling at work.
You obviously have quite low blood pressure so this will make you feel like fainting at times - as you know I have this problem. I feel like fainting a lot of the time especially if I reach up or get up quickly from sitting or lying, or after a nice hot soak in the bath. If you did start to faint, nothing will happen as you will most likely have prior warning and sit down and get your head down.
I bet your patients appreciate you being there for them - try to think of that. I bet they don't even notice and just think you are a really capable person that they are turning to when they need someone. Try to remember that you are just you - and don't let this anxiety spoil what you want from life.

You are the most important person when trying to get over this anxiety. Take your needs into account but try to see that giving in to anxiety is not helpful to you. Honestly nothing is bad is going to happen to your body despite the symptoms. (She says, despite worrying often about this myself.)

What you are going through is similar to me giong to the gym. I dread it because of my heart palpitations and low BP, and I have felt a couple of weird turns and odd palpitations, but I have kept forcing myself to go because in the long run I will feel better. And although I still feel slightly panicky on the exercise bike, it is better than it was. The long term goal is what I need to look for not the day to day panics or ups and downs. You have to go from day to day to get through this but comparing yourself on a day to day basis is pointless - you need to look at this long term as in my experience it can take a while to shift anxiety.

You're okay and you're doing great - you've done really well to go to work two days running. Stick with it - proud of you!

bead xxx
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #7 - Dec 3rd, 2007, 2:01pm
Thanks bead.
It has worried me about you saying that i must have low bp though.  If that is the case then why didn't i suffer like this before i was ill?  Does that make sense.  Or is it like ME?  As then they do have the symptom of low bp but in my experience in the surgery it is in the 40's or 50's when moving about.
When i am moving about or active my bp is fine and stable.  But if i am sitting, warm, relaxed etc then it is 90's over 60's - that is perfectly normal isn't it?  Don't know what these 'funny' turns are though as my bp goes up when i get up, i have checked many times.  So perhaps that is it, the reverse, it is lower sat relaxed and i get up quick and it goes up, lol.  I don't know but i don't like it.  I don't want to have low bp or high bp, i just want to be normal again.xx Embarrassed
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #8 - Dec 3rd, 2007, 2:29pm
WELL DONE Angie for making it a second day!! My heart really does go out for you as this must seem like the biggest hurdle to climb! Its so so so awful to have to seemingly go through the motions of everyday life at work, when your mind, thoughts and physical feelings are nagging you all day long telling you you might become drastically ill at any given moment.

I agree with what everyone else has said and that things will undoubtedly get better in time. I also think that you should perhaps try and 'go with the flow' for a little while and dont' be surprised and beat yourself up if you feel awful for some time to come yet. Just accept it and keep going.... Soon you will be writing on here that you've survived your first month or two months - and time will make it easier!

You've been so brave to return to work and survive considering not only your anxiety issues, but your recent bereavments (those alone would see many people off work for 6 months without any other issues).

Keep strong and keep going  Wink

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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #9 - Dec 3rd, 2007, 2:44pm
Thankyou so much for your help.  It means so much to me.
I am trying but what keeps me going is knowing that if i can't then i just won't do it.  I go with that thought in mind and it does make a difference.  I am supposed to stay and do it all - end off!  But my hubby is with me for now, outside of course lol, and if it becomes too much or too hard then i ring the boss say how sorry i am and off i go.  Having that option open to me at this point in time is invaluable, believe me.
Been thinking, and if i had a low bp then surely i would have the symptoms more often, everyday or most of the time.  Like, everytime i stood up or something.  I don't get it like that, it just comes on for no reason and feels like something is cutting off more than anything else really.  I have found a web page on line that states that mostly a normal bp should be from 90/50mmhg, which made me feel a lot better i can tell you.  I have 'gone funny' and taken my bp quickly thinking it would be that, and my bp was fine at the time.  So i don't think it could be that, do you?
Anyway, i don't know, just wish it would go away!!x Undecided
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #10 - Dec 3rd, 2007, 11:37pm
Hi there
Angie - I'm sorry to have worried you but what I meant it is probably if there is a range of BP then you are at the low end - which is good news apparently. BUt under certain conditions it can give you symptoms.
I never had any issues with my low BP until this whole anxiety thing blew up. so we probably need to accept that it is another undesirable symptom. From what I can make out, anxiety disturbs your central nervous system which controls all kinds of things out of your control so it can make you feel dizzy, make you feel sick, affect your BP and/or give you palpitations. And make your hearing go funny too! and loads of other things too - some people get skin rashes, others get palpitations. Look it's all connected - no disease that you haven't been checked for gives all these symptoms together.
I really didn't mean to have worried you. Do not worry about lower BP - although your reading isn't even that low - it's normal range. It's meant to be healthier, although that probably doesn't sound great if you are having symptoms from it. RLR is probably going to tick me off now  Wink I'm just trying to sympathise and offer the support because I have had all that you mention on and off all the time too.
I have many many symptoms the same as yours and I don't think I have ME. My brother has that and it is very different to what I have.
Try to settle into your next day at work a bit more. Try not to think about giving up what you are trained to do, and obviously good at. Try to think positively that you are going to beat this in the long term. Eventually I would have thought your job will be good for you rather than making you worse - it may take time though.
bead x
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #11 - Dec 4th, 2007, 5:16am
Okay, let's take care where crossing the line from offering support to attempting to diagnose symptoms in the absence of formal medical training. No offense intended, but folks with anxiety can suddenly find  themselves on a runaway train as a consequence of someone's interpretation of symptoms. This is a point not open for discussion. For anyone on the forum who is not a licensed physician, then please refrain from actually trying to determine or diagnose or point out the cause for someone's symptoms. It's perfectly fine to discuss any similar course or outcome that you've personally experienced, but please take care that it doesn't suggest specific medical advice. If you obtain a response that suggests it has, be sure to retract your statement if it's been misinterpreted.

Angie, I don't believe your symptoms are associated with your blood pressure in the traditional sense. By that, I mean that I don't believe that you suffer from hypotension. Your symptoms are more closely associated with anxiety and the pain in the back of your neck is likely due to musculo-skeletal tension.

You have to realize that anxiety plays a very major role in its ability to interfere with a process known as homeostasis, a term used to describe the body's ability to carry on physiological processes in a manner normal for internal and external conditions. Many people with anxiety tend to breathe shallow and especially under circumstances where they are active, such as walking through a mall, small changes begin to take place with blood/gas imbalances. Although slight, these changes can cause you to feel faint, become dizzy, feel pressure in or just behind the ears, loss of hearing, and cause you to experience tunnel-vision wherein things begin to grow dark, sense tingling sensations in the extremities and a host of other symptoms. These sensations tend to cause panic that something bad is happening and only causes symptoms to become worse.

Here's a good example that will highlight just how much the nervous system can have an impact on homeostasis. As a person in the medical field, certainly you've heard about military soldiers who regularly faint while standing at attention for extended periods. This is a perfect example and does not indicate that these soldiers have any type of disease or illness whatsoever. Standing very still for long periods lowers vagal tone, meaning that the aterioles in the lower extremities become relaxed and gravity works against the body's blood distribution, decreasing perfusion. If it reaches a certain threshold, the person will either feel faint or actually faint. It doesn't mean that these persons have problems with their blood pressure whatsoever.

The same is true for medical students exposed to graphic surgery or other invasive technique for the first time. I can't tell you how many students have toppled in front of me at the site of watching me perform a lumbar puncture procedure. They're fine other than the bruise to their pride. These examples are absolutely no different in content that what you are presently experiencing. You have to realize that your symptoms are not the consequence of physical disease or illness of any type, but rather the imposition of anxiety upon your nervous system.

You also need to refrain from trying to make a direct comparison between your symptoms and your blood pressure. Remember that blood pressure is an extremely dynamic process, meaning that it changes within a broad context by comparison to the body's demands at any given time. The readings you mention, 99/63, that "freaked" you a bit, should not have done so because it means absolutely nothing by comparison to your symptoms. I don't consider the reading to suggest hypotension in any event and I think you've become overly vigilent to the suggestion that your symptoms are the representation of hypotension or other blood pressure disorder. I do not believe it to be the case.

By the way, the sensation in your throat is known as Globus Hystericus and is only the sensation of your throat feeling closed off or swollen, again a symtom of anxiety and panic disorder. Please realize that these symptoms represent a disturbance of the nervous system only, not a sign of disease. You're going to be fine in that regard.

Try and relax. You truly are going to be fine and these symptoms will not decrease your life by even a day.

Best regards and Good Health  

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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #12 - Dec 4th, 2007, 7:31am
sorry rlr - I was just trying to help angie as she has all the same symptoms as me and am trying to reassure her that we can't both have some rare disease! I do think all these weird things are connected to the nervous system and anxiety. Angie's bp is perfect from what little I have heard about bp ratings so just wanted to reassure her it's not high or a problem.

My bp is running in the 90s most of the time and I have been told that it is low but that is a good thing BUT it might make me more succeptible to fainting and weird feelings under certains circumstances.

Sorry - I don't mean to tread on any toes. Nor do I presume to have medical expertise. But I do have a degree in anxiety and panic attacks - and only people who have put up with that can truly relate  Undecided

bead x (I consider myself ticked off - I knew I would be!  Wink )
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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #13 - Dec 4th, 2007, 8:02am
No apologies necessary at all. The forum is certainly a place for you to relate to each other regarding symptoms. I'm sure you understood my position, however, with making the distinction between relating to one's symptoms versus diagnosing the underlying cause. We're fine.

It's simply important to keep in mind that one symptom can represent a multitude of concerns depending upon the company it keeps, or in other words any other symptoms that may be present and what they may collectively represent. It's also important to realize that in the presence of pre-existing conditions, symptoms can mean something else entirely. This is why it's critical not to presume that symptoms in one individual are represented in necessarily the same way within another person without knowing a bit more information or history. It's common for physicians to not only catalogue the various contact history of their patients, but to constantly match the information in the history against common algorithms associated with certain disorders, diseases, etc. to increase suspicions or rule out the presence of pathology. This process takes place both mentally and through documentation, literally becoming second nature for the physician when dealing with their patients and represents numerous considerations in many instances prior to discussing symptoms and ordering tests, etc.

In the case of the forum, we're simply here to guide members and guests with medical information and to offer reassurance. We know from training & experience what constitutes a concern, but we're never here to supplant the direct examination and evaluation by the primary care physician or specialist.

A forum can sometimes walk a fine line between information and advice, so it's very critical make the distinction. In the case of the forum, its best work is done when we carefully provide information and guidance to support the relations between members. In that way, we each serve a function that can be consistently relied upon to offer the greatest amount of accurate information possible.  Smiley

Best regards and Good Health

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Re: I went back to work today!
Reply #14 - Dec 4th, 2007, 1:17pm
I am so sorry, i did not mean to get anyone into trouble or anything, it is just me being oversensitive as usual.  Sorry Bead.
I really appreciate all the advice and knowledge that you give to me on here, and elsewhere, and i know that you have suffered yourself and know what i am going through only too well.  I always ask advice and take everyone's comments on board as they know what they are talking about.  We have a lot in common and your help is very important to me and also the support that i get from you all, i really need it a lot of the time i know. Lol.
Well, i went to work again today, another 4 hours.  Oh it was so very hard today.  As soon as i got up i could feel the panic just lying in wait, waiting for me to stop still and take it on board.  But i didn't, i got up, dressed and had breakfast and just tried my best to carry on, on, on!  I got to work, hubby stayed in the car on the car park today, i was fine with this.  I got in work and began my job.  Oh i felt so awful, i looked at my list and it looked such a lot and so much to do.  Just thought i wouldn't be able to do it at all.  I took a deep breathe and started and carried on.  But it started to get all to much by about 10.15am.  I still carried on.  I had a break about 11am and went to the car for a cuppa with my hubby.  By this time the unreality was horrendous and i tried to take my mind off it and not to pay any attention to it.  I got back into work and carried on, it was so very tough.  I thought it would get easier the more i did it, but it seems to be getting harder more than anything else.  I just feel like i can't go back, it is too much for me right now and i don't know what to do.  If i carry on i am scared incase i get worse and scared that something nasty will happen to me as my body and mind just can't cope with all this.
It took about half an hour after coming out of work until the unreality had started to lessen slightly.  I came home and had a bit of dinner then had to nip to the shop.  That was a nightmare, looking back i don't know how i did it, so dizzy and it was awful.  I got back to the car with a racing heart and a big sigh of relief!
I have had a headache today anyway, feels like sinus's, my ears are also very 'off' today too.  I haven't been able to see properly out of my right eye all morning either and the pain was over and under that, so i am sure it is sinus's.  Feel bunged up as well, but i haven't touched any cheese whatsoever, however i did have an egg for my tea last night, lol.  Neck still sore and stiff and dizziness and floatiness today has been horrendous.  I am sure it is all linked, neck, ears and sinus's.  I have bought some Benadryl, but i am too scared to take it as i suffer so much with oversensitivity to any med's and i might get side effects.  Chicken i know.
Well, that's the update.  Day off tomorrow, thank goodness, not sure whether to get appt with gp though and get signed off again, don't think i can cope with it all after all.  Thursday would be very tough anyway as i am sat at a pc for 4 hours doing a baby clinic and all that screaming and crying would really kill my ears and make me feel worse.
Evoked potential test was negative by the way and i am now going to be re referred to ENT.  Struggling right now guys.x Undecided
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