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abnormal repolarisation??? (Read 7751 times)
Forum Newbies

I Love YaBB 2!

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abnormal repolarisation???
Jan 15th, 2008, 8:34am

im new on here and i worry alot about my heart. I have today been to docs and they said the ecg i had done was fine, but on my notes i saw 'abnormal repolarisation.'

Anyone know what this is/means??? i daredn't google!

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Re: abnormal repolarisation???
Reply #1 - Jan 15th, 2008, 9:23am
I am afraid i can't be of much help to you, but i know that lots of people will be around with help and advice.
All i do know is that when an ECG is done at work and that comes up, the gp has me do another one, sometimes it is because the leads are not on correctly or in the wrong position.x
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: abnormal repolarisation???
Reply #2 - Jan 21st, 2008, 3:07pm
Hi Cas,

Your test is likely unremarkable and we're accustomed to telling folks when we think there's a problem at hand so nothing to worry about in your case. There are many things that can cause abnormal repolarization and in most cases, it's due to the effects of medication of various types. I will give you a little crash course in physiology so you can understand what is taking place, but you shouldn't let you imagination run away with you. You have to remember that if you were looking at a printout of your ECG, the computer has a built in program that analyzes the test strip and provides us with general possibilities, but not diagnosis. We rarely give much consideration to the machine's response other than to interpret why the computer may have elected various differential conclusions. Nothing to worry about and thank goodness we doctors haven't allowed the computers to take over the job of accurately diagnosing patients.  

In the resting state, cardiac muscle cells are polarized due to gradients established by the active inward transport of potassium ions and the outward transport of sodium ions. Various stimuli-including drug-induced effects-can cause shifts in these gradients, producing a decrease in the internal negative membrane potential. This process is known as depolarization.

As the cells repolarize, another electric current is produced, similar to the first but moving in the opposite direction. The magnitude and direction of the electrical activity occurring during depolarization and repolarization can be detected by electrodes attached to the skin; this information is then amplified and displayed on the ECG as waves and complexes. So there you have it in basic terms; depolarization and repolarization of cardiac cells in heart tissue.

Please feel free to post your concerns and more specifically, if you care to discuss it, tell us what led you to your doctor's office to obtain an ECG? I'll be glad to take your questions and help you to find answers that you can understand and that will provide relief from your worries if possible.

Best regards and Good Health

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Best Regards and Good Health
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Forum Newbies

I Love YaBB 2!

Posts: 2

Re: abnormal repolarisation???
Reply #3 - Feb 4th, 2008, 5:57am
thankyou so much for the reply, i feel alot better for reading it.

What led me to the docs office for an ECG was this...

One saturday night i had a headache, had taken some ibuprofen, went to bed with my baby of 7 weeks old at the time - was totally exhausted.
Well, she would not stop crying and being so tired it made me very stressed - all of a sudden my heart is racing out of control, basically i was having a panick attack but worse than id experienced before heart symptom wise! (I have a history of panick attacks)

After about half an hour i managed to calm myself down, but was left feeling extremely agitated/restless/nervous and just couldnt sit still for adrenaline, but at same time was too physically exhausted to do anything.

Went to see GP 3 days later as these feelings continued, tests for anaemia, thyroid, the works basically came back normal! As at this time i was still very agitated and convinced i was dying my gp did an ecg which showed normal, concluded it was anxiety and to calm me gave me propranolol - it worked.

To be frank, i felt extremely traumatised following the birth of my daughter with regards to the after stay in hospital, I had just finished a degree, my grandpa passed away earlier in the year from a massive heart attack, my partner was going through court for access with his daughter etc etc i think you get the pic...there were alot of stressors that at the time i thought i had just gotten on with but obviously not!

Since this, i still have these episodes of racing heart and have also recently started having ectopics, even when not anxious. Im dealing with these quite well although for my own peaceof mind im seeing a cardiologist.

Thankyou again
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