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Heart skips (Read 3946 times)
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I Love YaBB 2!

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Heart skips
Feb 11th, 2008, 1:57pm
I have been going back and forth about posting this or not.  But it's on my mind, so obviously it will do me some good to get this out.

Today while on the phone with a client she told me her boss was in the hospital.  I have talked to this man and he is very mean, to the point that he has yelled and screamed at me and her.  At least I am not face to face when he had done it to me.  I always thought, geez, this guy is going to have a heart attack.  

Well, come to find out today that he just had quad bypass surgery.  Now as mean as this man has been, I felt bad for him.  It's not like I was thinking "he deserves it" or anything like that.

Soon after I heard this and found out a bit more info, my heart skips started.  He is 62 and had no symptoms and was in for a routine stress test.

Anyway... I have anxiety and hearing anything about illness are hard for me.  Because my anxiety symptoms are heart related (mostly), these are the illnesses I find hardest to hear without reacting.

So my symptoms were what felt like skipped beats (heart pauses/stopping) followed by a hard beat and fast heart rate.  This went on/off for 30 min or so.  I also felt like my heart was too slow, then too fast, then skipping as I was definitely paying close attention to it and feeling my pulse.  I have had these before, yet always struggle with them if I get more than one or two.  I have been doing so well with not getting them as much lately and just thought I was doing much better in terms of anxiety as well.

So here's my question, aside from hearing from those that can relate and their experiences, RLR - what would warrant a concern from a doctors standpoint when a paitent complains about his heart skips/flutters?  Is an EKG a good enough test?  I had one about two years ago now along with an echocardiogram which both were normal, so  I wonder, should I have another one.  My  husband woke up with flutters the other day (he gets them too from time to time, just handles them better, though they do alarm him too).  I actually printed out the info on this website about them for him to read.  It was bothering him, and reading it made him feel better as he had stomach distress the night before so I told him that may have been his cause for them.  It does help he can relate to what I'm going through.  He just had an EKG about a month ago during a routine yearly physical and the doctor wasn't too concerned when he told him about the skips/flutters.  I was just wondering what would cause the doctor to be concerned to warrant a bunch of tests.  

Also, I was wondering what you thought about magnesium and their relationship to these.  I started taking magensium about a month or so ago and haven't had as many skips.  I just ran out on Friday and waiting for another batch to arrive in the mail (I order from a supplier that uses natural ingredients).  

In addition I have started meditating every day for 15 min to help keep my stress levels down.  

Thank you for your reply.  I really do appreciate everyone's time and always come back here from time to time to help when I get down about these again - most times it helps.  Today I guess I need a little more help.  Smiley

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Re: Heart skips
Reply #1 - Feb 11th, 2008, 11:56pm
Hi there
I can't answer your medical questions but just wanted to say a couple of things that might reassure you.

You should use this forum to spit out anything that is troubling you. I have had a very similar experience that I posted a while back. someone I met (a mum about my age with young kids) told me she almost died from her palpitations. You can imagine the impact this had on me. In fact I was so distressed I fainted - sort of ruined my one Christmas party! I spent ages with increased ectopics (a good month in fact) - it just really haunted me and stirred up lots of worries. She told me all sorts I didn't want to hear. I sympathise with you if you think rationally about it...

That man you heard about with the heart trouble and who had the operation - you mention he went in for a 'routine stress test'. There is no such thing as a routine stress test (in the UK anyway). You would only get a routine stress test if your doctor knows you have heart disease. So he has obviously had problems for some time. so try to remember this - his case is very different to yours. With the surgery he has had, he has probably led a rather unhealthy life or been very unlucky on the hereditary front.

Medidation - well done for doing this. If you can commit to it, I have heard it really does help. I struggle to do it (kids make too much noise and too many demands) and my free time is basically taken up with twice weekly gym sessions. At least that gets me out the house!

Magnesium - I have been taking this as I have read some things about it. It seems to have helped me but I need to take it more regularly I think, at the moment I have just ran out, but oddly it has cut down my ectopics from several per minute to perhaps one or two per minute. Sometimes none in a given minute! This is incredible for me with my history. So keep trying it and keep us updated with whether you think they have worked. I think they may be helping me, as my better spells did not start until I started taking it. But... this is not a perfect experiment as I have started upping my exercise regime too. so which is it that helps?

My anxiety floats back regularly for no discernable reason - I have been much worse but then I have days when I feel just great, but then for no reason it appears again, and I can not work out why. It makes me feel there is a chemical reason for it that I can't control. No-one really knows why some people get it and others don't.

Good luck - hope you get some anwers to your other questions soon.
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Re: Heart skips
Reply #2 - Feb 13th, 2008, 9:00pm
Well, to answer your question, it's unfortunately as much a legal response as a healthcare concern when doctors begin ordering tests in response to complaints of arrythmias or chest pain. ECGs and echocardiograms are excellent choices to evaluate the basic heart health of any patient. You have to realize that true heart pathology doesn't hide very well and evidence from a number of sources can readily point to trouble where the heart is concerned.

As I've stated before, simply because you have symptoms associated with your heart, does not suggest that the problem is within the heart and in this case, it is definitely not. The GI tract is the single most offending organ capable of causing inappropriate stimulation of the Vagus nerve, which subsequently imposes a signal upon the heart that you sense as a palpitation. It does not mean there is trouble with your heart, but rather a mere superimposition of a nerve impulse upon the normal sinus rhythm of the heart. Nothing more. Sometimes it occurs in succession and sometimes less forceful, but in all cases we're talking about a mere symptom and not disease of any type. You'll be just fine. . . . so will your husband.

Best regards and Good Health
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Best Regards and Good Health
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I Love YaBB 2!

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England - Great Britain
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Re: Heart skips
Reply #3 - Feb 24th, 2008, 10:02am

Just to add, in my experience, as I use to really panic if I heard that some one had a heart problem, and nearly everybody says, "well he had no symptoms you know" but although I still get the occasional panic feeling when I hear it and sometimes need to get reasurance, I try to rationalise, he must have had some symptoms, or he had diabetes or his parents/grandparents all had a history of heart problems, it's quite easy for people to say that and occasionally 1 out of a 100 people may have absolutely no signs of problems.  I panicked quite a few months back at my previous job we were in a meeting and the guy we were having a meeting with was saying how much pressure the company were under and then went to say "Yeah our office manager at the Chelmsford branch had a heart attack as he was under so much stress and he is only 28!" well I'm 28 and I really had to rationalise that statement before I went into panic hypermode.  

I suppose that was my biggest worry is the amount I stress and worry and what effect that has in the heart problems stake. But can you really just have a heart attack from just being constantly stressed?

I'm sure the guy must have had some sort of problems somewhere, otherwise like bead said they wouldn't have just given him a stress test for no reason, well not in the UK anyway.  (I don't think)

Kath x

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Kath x
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