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Sudden changes in ECGs (Read 8512 times)
Forum Newbies

Heart Palpitations

Posts: 3

Sudden changes in ECGs
Apr 28th, 2013, 12:12pm
Hi all
Ive posted before about my palpitations. I had an echo in January, which was 'normal' even though I saw it said my left ventricle was on the very upper limits of normal. My 24 hr holter monitor showed normal sinus rhythm  but 5000 pvcs with some trigeminy episodes. No doctor has said theyre worried.

I went to a+e last week with palpitations and a tight chest. The consultant came in and said I had t wave inversions (a few leads)in my ecg and for some reason they all decided I had a lung blood clot. I had the scan and I didnt have the lung clot.... they didnt mention my ecg again.

Then a few days later, I had another ecg again at a+e, and the dr had written LAD on the top and the nurse said I had a couple of t wave inversions on lead III. Again, a medical dr and registra came to see me and said it was fine....

Now Im a mess. I really think that Im having an enlarged heart. I feel like I have to breathe harder to get a breath at times. They keep telling me its my 'anxiety' but how would that suddenly change my ecg readings in that way?!! Im going to my GP tomorrow but as i had an echo in jan I know he wont know what to do. Im scared. I keep thinking Im going to die at any minute. Im due to have a 3 day holter monitor fitted on 7th May but that seems too far away.

Im 29, suffer from PTSD, very anxious a lot of the time.

No one has ever mentioned anything like this on any of my ecgs before.

Please if anyone has any insight into this Id be very grateful.

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Re: Sudden changes in ECGs
Reply #1 - Apr 28th, 2013, 10:38pm
hope RLR can help

The only thing i can say.
I have had some ecg;s in my life, and it was always different.
Even with one , so talking about one ecg seen by more cardiologists.. gave different opinions by the different cardiologists.
One said fine, the other said I might have ... and so on. the same ecg??
Thats why i always remain some skepsis and doubts.
I learned that medicine isnt black and white. I have had possible sceptic infartcs (said the ecg..) but the cardiologist said..misplacement lead. and i can name you more examples.
So, I dont know why this is. What I do know it increases your insecurity and it degrades your belief that your heart is ok. I get that.
I think its a good thing they immediately tested you. And maybe reassuring that they didnt find anything. Just try to express your anxiety due to this finding. ask them why this is on your ecg?

Hope RLR can help
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Forum Newbies

Heart Palpitations

Posts: 3

Re: Sudden changes in ECGs
Reply #2 - Apr 29th, 2013, 12:16am
Thankyou, Richie. What Im concerned about is the fact the drs have always said that apart from sinus tachycardia, my ecgs are normal. Its been the past 3 ecgs in the space of 2 weeks that have shown 1) t wave inversions in about 3 leads  2) t wave inversions in lead III and dr has written LAD on the top and 3) t wave inversions on lead III.

No dr will follow this up. I get so frustrated and scared. Im seeing my gp today but keep thinking its too late, that something's happened and i have a blockage/wellens syndrome/enlargement etc. I didnt see any cardio dr just medical drs and consultants.

My echo was 'normal' in Jan, 24 hr ecg in Feb showed 5000 pvcs and trigeminy, bnp blood test negative.....

I get dizzy, palpitations and the odd pain, but i dont know now if this is heart related or anxiety Sad

Is RLR back now? havent heard from him in ages x
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Heart Palpitations

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Re: Sudden changes in ECGs
Reply #3 - Apr 29th, 2013, 12:45am

Who told you that t wave inversions is a bad thing?

I'm sure that RLR has mentioned this before and he said its normal when people have anxiety to get this reading.

Honestly, I don't even know what t wave inversions means! Do you know what it means, or are you just worried because they mentioned something rather than nothing?

Either way, I'm sure RLRs response will calm you.
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Forum Newbies

Heart Palpitations

Posts: 3

Re: Sudden changes in ECGs
Reply #4 - May 16th, 2013, 3:02am
You need more of the statements in this matter, so that we can understand. Thank you for sharing. I hope you happy

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