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Heart Palpitations Forum
Posts: 14
Well I am currently 22 weeks pregnant. I had heart palps before pregnancy which were mostly caused by alcohol, anxiety, or medication. They had stopped, well occured less frequently, but started up again once I became pregnant. My doctor wasn't concerned at all. I had taken a resting EKG back in Dec, before I was pregnant, and it was normal. He said it was very common for women to have heart palpitations during pregnancy. He said he'd seen a pregnant woman who was having 10,000 palps a day and she was completely healthy. I can't imagine having that many. I'd go insane.
Anyway, I usually have one a day every couple days. I wore my King of Hearts heart monitor for almost a month. I took it off a week early because the electrode gel stuff was really irritating my skin. While I wore it I experienced 4 episodes. All of them, except one, were my average feeling of either a larger beat felt in my neck or chest. The one that was different happened when I was barely awake, lying in bed on my left side. I slightly turned to my back and I felt my heart beating heavily and irregularly in my throat. I felt my pulse, either on my throat or arm, and I could feel it go, beat, beat, pause, beat, beat pause. I just rolled back to my left side and it stopped. I would like to add, because I think it's relevent, I had very bad gas that night. Since then I have mostly stopped eating gluten because that is what was causing my gas. And also I think the weight of my growing uterus, along with the gas, could have been why I had a different event like that.
I sent back my results and they said the doctor would get them in 24 hours. I didn't get a call from my doc. I wasn't really expecting one. So I called just to see what they thought. They said they only picked up one PAC and everything else was normal. I suppose that maybe when the events happened, I could have pressed the button too soon? I was instructed to wait 6 seconds before pressing it but time slows down a bit when you are having one. I think they said that weird one was the PAC. I didn't talk directly to my doctor but his nurse relayed what he had said. He said he was not concerned at all and she even quoted him saying "I could be having some right now!" So I guess he wanted to express how common they are. I have come a long way with my anxiety over my heart and palps, but I'll always question why I have these. I do believe that everything is okay. All I can hope is that they will occur less frequently after I have my baby. And I will continue not drinking alcohol or caffeine or anything else that can trigger anxiety for me.