Forum Newbies
Every passing moment is another chance.
Posts: 15
Dec 17th, 2006, 4:00pm
(Originally wrote by RLR)
Finally, we'll save a lot of space here by simply stating that with regard to any of the conditions either described or that you're experiencing, do not substitute a support group for responsible notification of your symptoms to your personal primary care doctor. We live in an age where medicine is oftentimes scoffed at by many who fail to realize the benefits they expect. Yes, it's true that medicine is not a perfect science, but neither are human beings. It is difficult at best to create perfection from imperfection. But even so, we all must give recognition that many thousands of people are being cured of certain cancers that just a decade ago would have meant their demise. Simple penicillin saves hundreds of thousands in third world countries that would otherwise perish from infection. So don't become discouraged that medicine doesn't find something wrong with you. Feel blessed that they don't have less encouraging news for you. I exist in an occupational environment where disease and illness is very concentrated. It is of great joy and optimism that I can walk from conditions such as those to the sanctuary of my private life and know that I'll return tomorrow. You too, all of you, need to be thankful that your condition is benign and that you have the power of influence over its effects. So kick up your heels, give a shout, grab the keys and your partner's credit cards with the highest limit and PREPARE TO SHOP! Those pesky palpitations are but a mere nusiance and you have the rest of your life to live, so get busy and do the voodoo that you do best! Best regards and Good Health. Feel free to write if you care to and I'll do my best to answer, but no promises. And this is for all the attorneys circling overhead who strive for a willing plaintiff, or even an unwilling one. THIS COMMUNICATION REPRESENTS OPINION BASED UPON MEDICAL FACTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF EDUCATION ONLY AND IS IN NO WAY INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPPLANT THE NEED FOR PERSONS TO DIRECT THEIR MEDICAL NEEDS AND INQUIRY TO THEIR PERSONAL FAMILY DOCTOR REGARDING THEIR HEALTH. sorry, have to add that.