Well, let's take a breath and relax. You're not going to have a stroke. In fact, factors that you believe to be associated with such an event, and those actually associated with stroke are fairly distant and apart from one another.
Although I certainly can't examine you, I would suspect that you might have a little otis media, or in simplier terms, an ear infection. It is quite common in the presence of upper respiratory infections or sinus infections and can even occur in the absence of other symptoms. If the eustachian tube become blocked for any reason, pressure can build and patients struggle to try and "pop" the affected ear by yawning or stretching the jaw. If it remains restricted, infection can sometimes occur. It could also merely be cerumen or ear wax lodged against the ear drum. Regardless, it's correctable and not serious at all.
Depending upon where the headache is located, it could be due to several things, stress included. Typically, frontal headaches at the temple area are stress-related, as well as those occuring at the base of the head and neck. If you've previously been diagnosed as having migraines, then taking the right medication is important because plain over the counter pain relievers often have little effect in such cases.
Many patients have been awakened to find that they are experiencing mild tachycardia and the causes can range from sleep apnea to something known as "night terrors" in which panic attacks occur during sleep. The factors responsible for panic attacks act independent of sleep. If you have the ability to check your blood pressure, it's simply a good idea to determine whether hypertension is present and if you've already determined this through your physician, then I'm certain that steps have been taken to manage it.
Finally, let's hope that the millions of folks with chronic medical illness don't adopt your philosophy about "ruining Christmas" because in the environment where I worked for many decades, Christmas was one of the few events that these folks held close to them. To think their illness risked damage would be the straw breaking the camel's back if you see what I mean.
You'll be fine. Take things a step at a time. Enjoy the holidays.
Best regards and Good Health