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Update (Read 6513 times)
Gold Forum Member

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Nov 05th, 2007, 4:30pm
Well i think that over the past couple of days i have done ok.  Ears are driving me mad and i have been flued up to the eye balls!  But the funny thing was while i was at my worst with my cold, my dizziness got better!  Can't make any sense of that one, now that my cold is improving my dizziness has become worse again, lol.
Still having ectopics, but mainly when i am standing and i take a deep breathe in and then i get two or three at once, not nice.
Heart still bothering me, but trying to ignore and cope.
Bonfire night tonight and i've done the cooking and i carried on doing the cooking even though i was scared because while i was in there my heart was doing 120!  Then when i came and sat down it was still 100.  And worse after i had my tea, always goes up when i've eaten anyway.  But i managed and i am still here writing this.  I still don't like my heart going that fast, but i can't stop it, it still worries me, but what can i do - nothing.  I don't suppose it is really THAT fast anyway is it?
But now it is going at a nice 78 and i feel happier with that, lol.
Hope everyone is ok and have had a good bonfire night, no accidents i hope.  We just had a burnt finger here and that was an adult, lol.
I am seeing the neurologist on Wednesday, getting worried about this now, will let you all know how i get on.x
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: Update
Reply #1 - Nov 6th, 2007, 1:18am
well done angie. See how capable you are!
I had bonfire party last night too for the kids which escalated froma small do into having 20 people inc parents. A scary evening with all that lighting of fireworks, preparing food and hoping everyone is happy. Lots of kids scared by one particular firework including me. But remarkably I didn't check out my heart once - had a really good time and managed to cook for everyone (and I am a useless cook!)

Had a great time actually because I was so busy I didn't notice any weird ness my heart was doing - maybe it wasn't doing anything weird at all.

But well done you - I hope you got some more confidence after your success last night.

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Re: Update
Reply #2 - Nov 7th, 2007, 12:53pm
Well, been to neuro today. Two hours i was in there, waited for an hour and half before i went in.  She was very nice, a registrar, and i told her my symptoms and she then proceeded with her tests.  I had the relex's done again, the follow my finer and move this and that.  Eye chart and eye check, lying down reflexes.  She couldn't find anything wrong, just when i was feeing the 'dull and sharp' on my arms and hands my left arm and hand didn't pick it up as good as the rest.  She wasn't concerned.  
She thinks i should be referred back to ENT and believes that it is an inner ear problem.  So there you go, she is sending a letter to my useless gp's suggesting a medication to help the dizziness if i want it and to go back to ENT's.  She is also going to do a test on my eyes to see if the information from my eye to my brain is working properly.  Like a little eeg test for the eyes.  She will send for me for that test, not looking forward to that as i know that it will make me go really dizzy!
That's it really, i did well, i was anxious and unreal but i did it.  Hubby is really proud of me.x
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: Update
Reply #3 - Nov 8th, 2007, 12:57am
Hi Angiebaby
You must be really relieved. If the neurologist isn't worried, try not to worry yourself. They would uncover any real nasties.

Anything an ENT specialist uncovers isn't going to be all that bad, because if it is an inner ear problem then the brains almost always accommodates to the problem eventually. That is what I was told. And one way to speed this up is to take up exercise, I was advised. i can't say this is easy, as it is over a year since I was told this and have only now plucked up the courage. But I would suspect that, like me, there will be nothing wrong that they are bothered about and you may find like me that all your problems stem from really bad anxiety all the time.

I know how possible it is to be so so dizzy all the time. And if you weigh the problems up, you have the same problems as me, which are caused by a stressed central nervous system.

Look forward to hearing how you are. Hope you can start to feel a bit better over the next couple of weeks once you have let this appointment settle in.

Not feeling great myself on the heart and dizzy front today, as two of my family have been being sick last night and yesterday, the other one at the weekend, so I am waiting for myself to be struck down.

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Re: Update
Reply #4 - Nov 10th, 2007, 5:24am
Thanks bead, but dizziness still driving me bonkers.  This is why i am reluctant to do anything or go anywhere, i am so dizzy and floaty all the time and it scares me.  I feel constantly drunk or on gas and air, lol.  If i sit still it is not as bad but when i move it is unbearable.  Sometimes i just have to move my eyes and it is bad!  Last night i felt like the back end of the room juddered, does that make sense, that really scared me.  It is getting so i dont want to leave the house cus i have to move and walk.
So as well i also get this horrible doom feeling now most of the time, i am sure you know that one too.  Scared to do anything or go anywhere, horrible feelings aren't they?x
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: Update
Reply #5 - Nov 11th, 2007, 12:27am
Oh yes, I do sympathise and it's hard to explain the dizziness to anyone and doctors just give you a blank look because it doesn't fit their pattern of dizziness caused by disease.

apparently no-one is dizzy all the time. That's what I was told. But I am testament to the fact that this is not true. I was dizzy all the time, it was definitely worse when I was moving around, lifting my head up or backwards, turning in bed. and I used to get kind of 'room wobbles' that would last a moment and give me such a fright and put me into a panic. And sometimes if i looked at things that had straight edges they would kind of 'shimmer'.

dizzy things are what got me started with panic attacks so I know how unsettling they are and how they make you not want to do anything. In fact, it was the dizziness that got me to the point of agoraphobia (avoiding going out). I was really scared something was going to happen. But realistically, you can't actually be on the point of a stroke for months on end, and if you had a brain tumour or MS it would have shown up on your MRI, and we have been told there is nothing wrong with our hearts. So there's not a lot left that is scarey to happen, is there?

You won't fall over with this dizziness - I never have. You won't be sick. You just feel rotten. And it can go away. Mine comes and goes a bit. And here's an interesting thing, about 12 years ago, I had dizziness constantly for about a year (when they thought I might have MS because I had a related eye complaint) but that dizziness did go away for 10 years. and I felt completely fine until it came back again. Only this time, when the dizziness came back, I believed I did have multiple sclerosis because it does 'come and go'. Anyway, I have been told the MRI scan was clear. Still worried, now I have the palpitations on top of it all. What a nightmare.

I do feel for you - the only way to get better is to really face those fears head-on. It takes a long time, and from my experience facing the fears can make you feel a  bit worse before you get better, but eventually you will start to feel a little better. My GP told me it can take your brain a long time to adjust and rewire itself to associating feelings of dizziness with fear. And unassociating everything from fear.

Hope you are doing okay today
bead x
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Re: Update
Reply #6 - Nov 11th, 2007, 8:51am
Thanks bead for taking the time and trouble to keep reading my moans!!  I do appreciate you helping me and you really know what it feels like which is a great help to me.  I have been trying to do the positive thinking thing and telling myself over and over that i have been ill for 3 years now and if it was anything horrible they would have found it or i would be dead already!  I tell myself that i have been dizzy for two years and nothing's happened yet and i am certainly not alone, but you know what it is like don't you.  It is so very, very difficult.  To live like this is awful, a disease that they could find and treat would be easier as it is 'real' by everyone's standards, not just ours!  So difficult because it is a mental thing i think and even harder to deal with but the physical symptoms are VERY real indeed.  People who haven't been here don't understand, can't stick a plaster on it and make it better, nothing to see etc, etc.
I had a terrible day yesterday, very dizzy and floaty.  Feelings of doom all day long and for no reason at all.  I was at home with my boys, didn't have to go out at all, but i really suffered.  Also my bp was elevated all day too, it is normally ok or lowish, so don't know what that was all about.  Obviously an anxious inside's day, lol.
Today isn't a lot better really, well, the doom has gone off a bit thank goodness, but now hubby had D & V and scared about him.  Keep telling myself it is just a bug and it will go, why do we get so scared about stupid little things that never bothered us before.  But i suppose, considering, a bit better today really.
I hope you are ok today, and i know what you are going through with the palpatations, i hate it.  I move out of the chair and my heart goes into overdrive.  Gets even higher just lately than before to, now it is almost always in the late 80's or 90's and i don't even have to do anything, just sitting.  Lol.  And the flipping ectopics too, aren't we blessed.  
I hope your palpatations are a bit better today and they aren't driving you too mad.  Could do with a bit of peace from them i think.  Trouble is if they stop and then come back it makes us feel even worse doesn't it, lol.
Speak soon, thanks again.x
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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