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Just being silly again i know, but.........! (Read 5687 times)
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Just being silly again i know, but.........!
Mar 20th, 2008, 3:47pm
I know what you are going to say to me, i suppose, and i am just asking for some reassurance again!!!!!!!  But i got really freaked out again last night.
Well, i suppose my anxiety bubble is getting large again and filled too much and that is why i am suffering but i have a couple of things that have scared me so far this week.
I had a stressful day on Monday at work and Tuesday and then Tuesday afternoon i went to the augiology dept at the hospital for my balance testing.  I was so worked up and i had a lot of ectopics and flutters that were big and bad and were coupled together, that didn't help at all.  I also had unreality and i know that all of this was just anxiety.  I only managed to do a couple of tests as their machine wouldn't work with the harness thing.  I did get on the table and he threw me back one side then the other and it wasn't nice but he didn't do it fast enough.  He thinks that i do have BPPV but it hasn't shown yet.  I have to go back in two weeks and til then i have to do an exercise each day.  (Which i am scared to do)
Now i struggled Tuesday night and thought Wednesday would be much better, how wrong i was!!!  Went shopping in the morning with hubby and mum and was minding my own business when i suddenly tasted blood.  My mouth and throat was full of blood and my gum was bleeding.  I have a terrible phobia and i was a jibbering, shaking wreck i the middle of Morrisons.  Hubby was holding me up.  It seemed to bleed a lot, saliva makes it worse though i know, but it soon stopped really.  Now i am too logical and i could not control this and can not understand how it happened.  Thinking all sorts of terrible and nasty things, like problem with INR, etc, etc.  I have tried to rationalise things and hubby says this has happened to him because we are phobic of the dentists.  I know that there is nothing nasty going on as i saw the dentists last year and the hygienist 4 times after that too, but then i didn't go back.  I do need some work doing which i am too scared to go for.  But becase this happened for no reason it really scared me so much.
I felt better last night and just sat and chilled in my nice warm house, relaxing in my chair and chatting online.  My left ear suddenly went deaf again and it worried me so i took my bp.  It was 112/54, this really panicked me then.  Of course because i had moved it then went up a bit and i felt a bit better, but i was then trying to convince myself that it was because i was sitting back in my relaxing chair, very warm etc.  This is obviously normal for when you are relaxing and as soon as i move it does go up but i think that my anxiety has been so high anyway just lately, this does not help.  So, why am i waffling on and on to you?  Because i just wanted a bit of reassurance as i have noone here to ask and from the way my hubby was yesterday, quite angry and frustrated with me, i think he has had enough of me to be honest.  Can someone please put my stupid mind to rest about things so i can try and relax a bit.
Thanks for reading all my rambles, much appreciated.xx
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Re: Just being silly again i know, but.........!
Reply #1 - Mar 20th, 2008, 4:38pm
Okay, well let's try to look at your issues one at a time.

In the presence of gum disease, and even without it, widening separation can sometimes develop beneath the gum line where the tissue meets the enamel of the teeth. This area can be aggrevated by eating candy, a hard piece of fruit or other food and cause a little hematoma to develop which can build up and force its way above the surface of the gum and into your mouth. The consequence is the sudden development of free blood inside your mouth. Most people make the mistake of rushing to the bathroom and rinsing with warm water, which just makes the site bleed more. Much like an old-fashioned nose-bleed, you have to pack it with tissue and take a break while the body's natural clotting factors take hold and stop the bleeding. Bleeding also commonly occurs from biting the tongue as a consequence of poorly aligned teeth. It's sometimes difficult to locate the actual site of bleeding in the mouth because saliva tends to spread it around. Nothing to worry about.

It is not uncommon in the least for persons to temporarily sense a hearing loss in one ear and this is typically caused by a disturbance to the nerve which innervates the ears. Some patients claim that they first notice a loss of hearing, following by a ringing sensation that soon dissipates and the symptoms abate altogether. It should also be of interest to you that many sufferers of anxiety complain of dizziness, loss of balance, tinnitus and other symptoms that can be associated with stimulation of the vestibular system responsible for helping maintain balance.

You have to realize that the human body does a great job of keeping us going day in and day out, but there should not be expections that it will perform flawlessly and without subtle changes on a day to day basis. When under stress, such as in the case you described, you have to realize that the body responds physiologically and can produce a broad range of symptoms, none of which represent disease of any kind.

Spouses of persons with anxiety can become quite frustrated indeed because their efforts to help are often thwarted as being useless or non-contributory to relieving the problem. The anxious spouse is oftentimes scared of what is happening and will be quick to hold boundless expectations in the presence of growing fear and panic.

You will have to realize that one of the most frustrating positions to be placed in is watching someone you care deeply about suffer while shutting out all attempts to be helped or guided. It doesn't take long at all for spouses to develop resentment over being placed in such a position and feel trapped that their efforts are truncated while also being condemned for backing away. The anxious person can do a great deal to alienate those around them in times of difficulty.

Care must be taken where this is concerned because sometimes boundaries are exceeded that can't be re-established at the same level after the fact. I think you see what I'm driving at here, so I'll stop and let you pause for consideration.

Incidentally, taking your blood pressure in response to a change sensed in your hearing bears absolutely no association or relevance and you can take it all you care to, but they're not related. A blood pressure of 112/54 is entirely normal and you are going to have to realize that blood pressure is a very dynamic process. You're not going to see textbook readings everytime you plug yourself in. It's just not how it works at all.

One of the dangers inherent in anxious people is that they tend to make unwarranted and innacurate associations between events. It is therefore, no surprise when they see a strange result based on these erroneous relationships and it causes panic. At some point, you're going to have to pause and consider whether your thinking patterns about all that's happening are flawed and innacurate. You have established a belief system that holds very narrow expectations for the manner in which your body should respond and perform on a daily basis and any deviation sets in motion unregulated fears that something is wrong because it doesn't match your set of beliefs.

When you're able to reflect upon the notion that it may be your perceptions that are causing the anxiety, then you'll be well on your way to a far better understanding of what is taking place.

Best regards and Good Health

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Re: Just being silly again i know, but.........!
Reply #2 - Mar 21st, 2008, 2:07am
Hi Angie
You're okay I am sure. If the ENT people can't find a problem then it is likely to be intermittent and mild, and don't be frightened of the exercises they have given you because they are designed to make you better. Please persevere with what they have told you to do. It can only help.

Also it does sound as if your anxiety is on the increase again... also if you are thinking that your husband has had enough of you then that is only going to add to your distress. (also ask yourself... has he really had enough of you, or are you 'predicting' his state of mind - this is a classic form of anxious thinking - mindreading what you think other people are thinking but always to the detriment of yourself! - yes, I do it too>)

I too detest going to the dentist (but honestly can anyone say they really enjoy it?) but if you avoid going you are storing up worse trouble for your teeth and work you might need in the future. Get yourself along there for a check-up - small amounts of work have got to be better than some mammoth dentistry in a couple of years time if you neglect it. I am not telling you off, just trying to look at it from a rational viewpoint. I have a horrible reaction to the injections every time - it makes me shake for quite a while afterwards - you know when I rinse out with the water they give you, I can hardly hold the cup, (dentist said there is adrenaline in the injection), but now that I know I suppose I can know it is the injection rather than me having a panic attack in the chair. I do try to go every six months for dentist and hygienist though.

I find I am much more anxious and stressed when my husband is around because of the way he is around the kids, and always feel like he is angry too. He says he isn't but I feel like he is. And I get irritated because he doesn't want to help out in the garden (man jobs that are too big for me - after all, if I had wanted to do heavy DIY jobs and cut back enormous shrubs I would have stayed single Smiley ) Marriages are hard work even when you have the best of relationships and normally get on really well with your partner. And any close relationship can make you feel anxious from time to time for any reason.

And you know if your anxiety is on the increase all these nasty symptoms get worse too.

do you like chocolate - try to eat a load of Easter Eggs this weekend - apparently it's good for moodboosting serotonin, just as long as the caffeine doesn't set your heart rate going weird!

Happy Easter
bead xxx
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Re: Just being silly again i know, but.........!
Reply #3 - Mar 21st, 2008, 4:27am
Hi Angie,
really sorry that you're having a rough few days! I think RLR & Bead have pretty much covered everything re: reassuring you but I just wanted to add that I understand a lot of what you're going through especially about the way you respond to physical signs & symptoms.

Funnily enough on Monday evening I was just sitting with my son at the table & I suddenly tasted blood in my mouth, I spat on to a tissue & there was blood. Now it wasn't a huge amount & it stopped pretty quickly but I had no idea where it was coming from.

Now someone not suffering from HA would probably just have thought 'oh, that's strange, wonder what's caused that' & then forget about it, but because I do suffer from HA I just went straight in to panic mode-I had a huge surge of adrenaline which then made me go hot, shaky & my heart started racing & banging in my chest. I don't need to tell you what I was thinking, I'm sure you can imagine.

After a while I kind of got a hold on myself & talked myself down & started to think more logically. I'd got over a cold the week before & had had bleeding when blowing my nose most days so I figured that I had a slightly weak vessel at the back of my nose that had just started bleeding again but had gone down my throat instead.

I don't know for sure that that was what happened but it's the most likely explanation & as I had no other symptoms I managed to reassure myself. However, like you, it left me feeling shaky & I know my anxiety has been raised for afew days since. I went shopping & was worried that the bleeding would start again while I was out.
In a way it was a good thing that I was alone because it forced me to reassure myself & calm myself down rather than get that from someone else.

I also know how you & Bead feel about your husbands attitude. I also feel like my husband is angry with me a lot of the time but he came with me to my therapy session the other week & it really helped although we still need to work hard at our relationship.
I also do the mind-reading stuff which drives my husband crazy!
RLR gave a good insight from the other side because I think it's hard on them too & I think we just want them to be supportive but I guess they feel under pressure & stressed by it all as well.

I wish I knew how to turn off that mad rush of adrenaline when something unusual happens so that I could react 'normally' but I guess it will take time for me to change my thinking patterns & the way I react to things, I know I'm getting there & you will too Angie. It can seem really hard sometimes to pick yourself up when you've had a bad experience but you just have to keep working at it because the alternative is to live in a permanent state of fear & anxiety.

In the meantime you need to take care & be kind to yourself.
I hope you have a lovely Easter-everyone else too-& hope you'll be feeling much better soon!
love Seffie xx
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Re: Just being silly again i know, but.........!
Reply #4 - Mar 21st, 2008, 5:16am
I wish to thank you all for your kind and considerate posts to me.  You of course are all right in everything you say and it has helped me a lot to read the posts.
Firstly RLR, i was more worried about 'why' my gum should suddently start bleeding like that when it has never done it before and my gums have always been bad through my life long phobia.  I know that i could just sit and say to myself over and over that this is perfectly normal for gum problems and i am fine, which i did do, but it did not seem to help, that is why i turned to my friends on here to help me, which they have.  My hubby is normally wonderful and has been through everything with me since i met him.  He has been a constant support to me throughout and is always there when i need him.  He was indeed there for me at the time too but afterwards he was shouting at me and i know that he was frustrated as he couldn't help more or totally reassure me, or even take away my pain and terror.  He has said on more than one occasion that if he could take it away, or even have the problems himself, he would do.  I know it must be so very hard for him to see me go through these awful experiences and i really do sympathise with him over it.  Thankyou for your wise words to me and taking the time to read my ramblings.
Beadbabe, a constant source of wisdom also!  I know that i am not alone in the way that i feel, but i am sure everyone in the world who has problems will agree that you do feel so very alone and useless like this and would do anything you could to get better and 'be yourself' again.  I know that we have a lot of similar experiences Bead and it is great to be able to nip on here and for people to know what you are feeling and going through.  I will eat some chocolate Bead and i suppose i will have a bit too much and will have too many ectopics again, huh, can't win really can we.
Saffie, thankyou for telling me that you have been through similar recently, that is a big help.  I have a terrible phobia as you may know and to rationalise things i was telling myself that it could be worse, it could be your nose, a prospect that i really CANNOT even think off as i am so phobic of that one.  I should be grateful that it was my gum i suppose but somehow it still doesn't take away the fear does it.  The fear of not knowing WHY it happened and then thinking it could be my blood clotting what is the problem is scary in itself.

I would just like to tell you that i was not going to post on here about what had happened and just tried to carry on regardless.  I had left a message to someone that i know used to be a dental nurse and run a practice also.  They never replied and because of this i just could not let it go and get it off my mind.  I was not going to bother anyone with my 'sillyness', this is the way that i felt!
I am so glad that i did get the courage to post, should have done that in the first place i think.  I was so very scared to even get your replies to be honest incase there was something in them that would scare me again or make it worse somehow.  I am happy to say that you have all made me feel so much better now and i really do appreciate all the time you have taken to read my long post and to reassure me in a way that only you can as you know what this feels like to go through.
I wish you all a very happy Easter and i hope that we can all be stress and anxiety free, well, as much as possible anyway, lol.
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Re: Just being silly again i know, but.........!
Reply #5 - Mar 25th, 2008, 7:15am
Hi Angie
just come onto the site and read about your experience with blood in your mouth - this bought back a memory to me, a few years ago I was in Marks and Spencers food department where my daughter worked at the time, it was a Saturday afternoon and my husband had dropped me off in town.  I tasted blood and  checked and there was blood on my tissue[quite a lot] - I was distraught, mainly because of the nerves I suffer from - I rang my husband on my mobile crying down the phone to him I was petrified.  My daughter saw me and I was literally propping myself up on one  of the shelves - she was so upset and took me to the ladies and  she kept saying it will be your gum bleeding and it was but for a moment I thought the very very worst - I can totally  sympathise with the way you felt.   I am not completely rid of all of my nerves and certainly not of the palpitations but realised after a while that my frame of mind about worrying about myself was causing me to react in this way. On the odd occasion can taste blood in my mouth and there is nothing there and it sets of a scare inside me - we are so sensitized to these things happening - please stay and calm and dont worry about this and remember your not on your own.
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Re: Just being silly again i know, but.........!
Reply #6 - Mar 25th, 2008, 8:42am
Thankyou so much for your reassurance, it means so very much to me.  I don't know what i would do without all of you to help me like this, you are so kind and understanding.xx
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