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Just want some answers (Read 26629 times)
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Re: Just want some answers
Reply #15 - Feb 25th, 2013, 9:06am
I deleted my postings cause i think it serves no purpose whatsoever to the thread and i shouldnt have interfered in the discussion (albeit a useless discussion) between RLR and Lucidboomer.

its completely clear to me that even if something might be wrong after all, i wont find more advice here. Unfortunately
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Re: Just want some answers
Reply #16 - Feb 25th, 2013, 11:53am
Just gonna chime in here with some information.

As I'm a web developer and self-proclaimed "tech guru expert type guy", Lucidboomer's claims seemed intriguing. I'm assuming since http://lucidboomer.com/ has his avatar right there in its banner, that is his website.

This twitter account also appears to be him: https://twitter.com/pendozer

As does this Facebook business page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Heart-Palpitations/219780491381025

I couldn't find his personal Facebook page or a Facebook page related to him with "millions of fans". He also appears to have many pseudonyms on various websites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Interestingly, some of his Facebook posts have simply been copied & pasted to this forum and others, making them entirely meaningless and spam-like. His personal website was first cached by Archive.org in 2008, and in five-years has almost no traffic whatsoever. However, his Twitter does actually have ~12,000 followers like he claims. His twitter profile links directly to http://alterxmedia.com/, a spammy "make money online" website that unfortunately probably does make him a small amount of money.

He is also signed up with referral schemes, as evidenced on his Twitter profile.

On his personal website he posts such articles as:

"Pregnancy Miracle is the #1 best selling infertility Cure ebook",
"Hemp Oil – Miracle Cure or Just Myth",
"Alkalinity Factor: Dr. William F. Koch",

And this quote directly from his website regarding "big pharma":

"All I can say is “payback’s a pregnant dog!” The internet is going to bring down big pharma and anyone who attempts to mitigate their demise. Everywhere you look people are talking. I read a survey the other day that said 73% of Americans believe that big pharma is corrupt and needs to be broken up. You can’t lie anymore. You can’t manipulate! Even with the help of mainstream media and billions of dollars in seed and lobby investments, they failed to pull of the “great global warming scandal!” It doesn’t appear that Big pharma is going to be capable of holding on to this one I think."

On his Facebook page, many of the posts he makes link to various alternative medicine websites, one to his e-book on Amazon and to conspiracy related websites.

On his Twitter profile he makes claims of being interested in PPC (per-per-click advertising), SEO (search engine optimisation) and is also apparently an author (it looks like he's an e-author, writing e-books).

It appears to me as if he is merely attempting to built a rapport, albeit very poorly, with members of various forums related to heart palpitations and other popular conspiracies related to medicine, perhaps in an attempt to then solicit them into viewing his website, his "make money online" schemes, his conspiracy theories, e-books and his spam.

RLR, I would ban this person from the forum. He clearly has negative intentions towards the forum and its members. He is undoubtedly interested more in making money through adverts on his websites, selling his make money schemes and writing articles slandering medicine, doctors and allopathy, than he is in genuinely helping people.

Just my 2 cents.
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Crohn's disease (active terminal ileitis) - diagnosed 2007. Taking: Imodium 2mg x 2 daily. 25 years old (updated 10-June-2013).
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Re: Just want some answers
Reply #17 - Feb 25th, 2013, 12:16pm
I can tell you this guy is grabbing at straws.  From personal experience what RLR has taught me has given me my life back.  If you are willing to listen and believe 100% what RLR is saying you will too!

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Re: Just want some answers
Reply #18 - Feb 25th, 2013, 6:25pm
Well I certainly appreciate both the kind words and the efforts to delve further into the background of the individual who recently ventured onto the forum.

At this point, I am hopeful that my initial exchange was sufficient to send him searching elsewhere. If he reappears, I'll certainly have no other choice but to ban him from further access.

I suppose at 93 years old a veil of calm should have drifted over me by now but I guess I'm going to remain pointed to the bitter end. Nothing like a good spar now and then to make one feel young again.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)
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Heart Palpitations

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Re: Just want some answers
Reply #19 - Apr 29th, 2013, 11:35am
To the OP, I'd like to mention that perhaps your antidepressant could be causing some of your palpitations. I have taken both Zoloft and Prozac. Zoloft didn't really do anything for me so I tried Prozac. I thought it was working as my disposition was brighter. But I started noticing many more palpitations than usual. That started causing anxiety. Then it became all I could think about after I had a large palp while laying down one night. I started feeling crazy and eventually had a break down/panic attack. I was crying and having repeated palps. I called my doc the next day and he said to stop taking it. I seriously started feeling better the first day not taking it. And then didn't have any palpitations (well except for a small one before my period was due) and was feeling a lot better. I am now pregnant and have had some palps but not the anxiety. So anyway, long story short, possibly try coming off the Zoloft and letting your system settle before starting another AD. Your symptoms may improve. But I'm not a doctor, this is just what worked for me. Good luck!
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Heart Palpitations

Posts: 17

Re: Just want some answers
Reply #20 - May 5th, 2013, 8:28pm
RLR wrote on Feb 25th, 2013, 6:25pm:
Well I certainly appreciate both the kind words and the efforts to delve further into the background of the individual who recently ventured onto the forum.

At this point, I am hopeful that my initial exchange was sufficient to send him searching elsewhere. If he reappears, I'll certainly have no other choice but to ban him from further access.

I suppose at 93 years old a veil of calm should have drifted over me by now but I guess I'm going to remain pointed to the bitter end. Nothing like a good spar now and then to make one feel young again.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

Dr Rane,

After reading through your posts with the other gentleman, I can say honestly that I'm glad people like you who talk with experience and knowledge gained through years of dedication to the science of the human body are still willing to fight for the cause of fighting misinformation for the purpose of furthering an unsubstantiated vindication towards modern medicine that continues to save and improve lives worldwide.

If it is worth anything, after reading through what you have carefully and tactfully put together to help others combating anxiety disorder, you have helped me regain a sense of emotional control and take a more sceptical approach to my emotional reactions to the 'symptoms' I suffer.

The energy you have in your words, in rebuttal to the ridiculous scaremongering that has darn well confounded the anxiety disorder community, is greater than anything I've read in a long time.

With that in mind, I thank you for continuing the spar against misguidance and the misguided. It is much appreciated by those with no ulterior motive towards communicating in this space.  Smiley
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