Bayroot and Sto12....this is truly the way I visualize things and helps tremendously in recovery from the anxiety that your palps have caused.....there are many reasons for the if you can understand that we are just more attuned or sensitive then the average human being and because of this we feel them......that is the first step!!!
What sets us apart from everyone else is that we then became afraid of this natural body happening!!! That is why RLR uses the Eyelid twitching reference all of the time!!! He is asking us, would we freak out the same if our eyelid was twitching and we all know the answer is NO......
So by using the tuning fork analogy I think we can understand that we ARE KEEPING OURSELVES IN THIS HORRIBLE CYCLE by hitting our tuning fork(nervous system) 1000 times a day with fear and adrenaline because we continue to tell our body and mind to be scared so it is just reacting appropriately!!!
I am MUCH better then I was and getting better by the day....WHY? Because everytime my heart skips a beat, runs fast, quivers etc instead of hitting my tuning fork with fear and apprehesion I go in the exact opposite direction!! I say things like "go ahead and quiver" or "skip as much as you want" and I continue to do what I am doing and EVERYTIME my heart goes back to normal!!
So in doing this I am reducing the amount of adrenaline and all of the other chemicals that stress dumps in to my body. RLR has given us so much valuable we have to take that information and incorporate it in to our daily lives and LETS START LIVING!!
I have 3 wonderful children and a busy life and I want to enjoy it while I am here....thats my 2 cents...I hope it helps!!