Gold Forum Member
From England UK
Posts: 535
United Kingdom
Hi Alexa,
Assuming you have had all the tests I cant see why there would be any risk to flying. Your cough may make sense if i quote RLR in the first part of his 1-6 writings on palps: I do hope it helps.
"Let's start here by talking about a very special part of the human anatomy called the Vagus nerve. The vagus nerve, also referred to as the 10th cranial nerve, is appropriately termed a "mixed" nerve. It provides a sort of two-way communication of nerve impulses back and forth between the brain and the pharnyx,larynx, esophagus, stomach and associated abdominal viscera(basically, your throat, windpipe, your tummy and guts), the heart, lungs and several more complex but irrelevant body organs or functions. The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex of the cranial nerves in the body. The key point here is to make note that this nerve involves the "heart," the "lungs" and basically the whole digestive system of your tummy and intestines. Now let's pair that with some real specific and limited physiology about the heart and its rhythm."