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Dizzy - help RLR? (Read 5673 times)
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Dizzy - help RLR?
Mar 03rd, 2008, 2:07am
Hello all
I have been doing so well and feeling pretty good despite still having palpitations but in the space of one week I feel like my health has collapsed. Palpitations are back on constant (racing heart when i wake up in the night) flutters and banging aplenty. I am also constantly dizzy - I am starting to feel really disturbed. I am on medication (SSRI) but does this mean that either it is nothing to do with anxiety or that the medication has stopped working.

I have spent ages trying to work out why - if this is anxiety shouldn't there be a reason why I have gone from 75% well to 10% well in the space of a week. (75% well was good enough for me!) So the thing is I am concerned that the dizzy head is down to my heart not behaving properly and I am scared. But it also seems worse if I move.

These dizzy spells leading to constant dizzyness have exactly the same characteristics as when I had them before (my dizzyness went away and has come back before). Several out of the blue dizzy turns with a feeling of blankness, which builds up to constant.

RLR - as a neurologist and heart expert - any ideas?
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Re: Dizzy - help RLR?
Reply #1 - Mar 3rd, 2008, 2:17pm
Hi Bead, so sorry that you are feeling this way again, believe me i know how you feel!!  I am still like that now and am supposed to be going for benign positional vertigo tests in just over a week and i really don't think that i can go and do it.  I will be bad afterwards and i don't want that, i am bad enough now thankyou.  I have weighed up the pro's and con's and what would i get out of it, if it is there is no cure anyway.
I know that when i took the SSRI Seroxat i was ill and i felt like i feel now when i was on them, but now i take nothing and there is no improvement anyway so can't see it being that really.  
I am just trying to do my best right now to 'believe' that mine is just down to anxiety and nothing more.  I am hoping that acceptance will help me to improve.  It is so very hard to believe that anxiety can do this to you and cause all of this and accept that it is like your brain is attacking it's own body and system really in a way.  I don't think i will get anywhere until i accept that this is a mental problem for me and not a physical one, but i am trying every single moment to help myself in this way.
You have been doing so very well lately Bead, you are an inspiration to me as i know when we have spoke on here before that we have shared quite a few symptoms between us.  I could never do what you have been achieving just recently, i just manage to plod along, sorry but best i can do right now.  I am wondering if somewhere deep inside our brain knows that we 'know' really what is doing this and this is why sometimes we get a good day.  I can honestly say that since i became ill, three years ago, i had never had a good day until last week.  It only lasted for the day, so the next day felt much worse of course, but i have to learn to focus on the positive's too and look at it like i have had one good day and i will have more.  A bad day is just a blip and it will get better, this is very hard to me to believe for myself, but i still try.
Dizziness is such a bizarre and crippling thing isn't it?  Somedays i can hardly stand and i have still managed to go to work, doing less hours now though for a while, every moment i have thought that i would collapse and die, but i didn't, i am still here.  I think the problem, for me, is that dizziness still scares the hell out of me and if i could just accept that it is ok and won't hurt me then i would be on the mend with that one.
I really hope that you are feeling better now and that the dizziness has passed off a bit, and the palpatations.  Had a bad day with them myself today, perhaps it's the weather at the moment, my heart rate all morning was 120 and i was all shaky like jelly, not nice at all.
Let us know how you are doing Bead, hope it improves for you soon hun.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: Dizzy - help RLR?
Reply #2 - Mar 4th, 2008, 12:59am
Hi Angie
Lovely to get your reply!

Go for the tests - you must. If it's positive you will know what it is for sure and know that it is not dangerous. Even if it is anxiety it is not dangerous. But it is hard to feel it is not, I am with you on that one. The tests might make you feel worse for a bit but afterwards you will go back to baseline. Have you heard of the exercises you can do for BPPV. they are designed to shift the muck in your ears and make you better - and I was told that more movement gets you acclimatised quicker to the dizziness. This time round I am trying to really press on despite the dizziness. Good luck and let me know!

Well - for me it is over two years of poo health and now I have just had two to three weeks of feeling pretty good (well it would do for me - palpitations still there but no dizzyness all the time and palpitations at a more bearable level). Then suddenly from nowhere back at worst possible symptoms, leading to panic attacks every day again. I haven't been that bad for ages and there is no reason as everything in my life going great really. Kids stressful, but whose aren't? (they are not that bad really!)

Angie - did you say you were on facebook? I thought I would check you out there then at least we can put faces to our names!

bead xxx
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Re: Dizzy - help RLR?
Reply #3 - Mar 4th, 2008, 11:56am
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time - it is so frustrating when you feel you are doing well and then feel back to square one.

I often get postural hypertension - which simply means that if I sit up, stand up or even just turn over too quickly, I feel dizzy. If this happens, it then seems to take several days before I feel back to normal - in those days I seem especially prone to very short spells of dizziness, sometimes just a second or two. Could your dizziness be related to something similar?

I haven't been posting much of late - we are busy sorting out our house with a view to putting it on the market and we have had internet problems (Virgin used to be great, but off quite a lot recently). I too am plodding along, no missed beats then a week of them, then okay again. Maybe that is just to be my pattern, but I am managing to live with it at the moment.
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Re: Dizzy - help RLR?
Reply #4 - Mar 4th, 2008, 1:15pm
Saab, i am glad that you are feeling better now, great news.  I get that a lot with my dizziness too, even just turning over and it get's you, unexpected really.  I was just lying in bed last night watching a dvd and the room spun round again.  I was lying still and there was no need for it, i hate it as it does still scare me but i am still trying to ignore it, tough job though, lol.

Bead, yep i am on face book with the same name, angiebaby, lol.  A lot simpler for me to remember, duh!!
I know that i should go for the tests really, it would make sense and before i was ill i would have jumped at the chance and gone like a shot.  There would have been no anxiety or fear at all.  And i know this is silly really as it isn't invasive or anything that is supposed to be scary at all, just that i really don't think i can cope with it.  I am such a chicken!
Look me up on facebook, that would be brill.  Or let me know what your name is on there and i'll look you up.
Hope you are feeling a little better today hun.xx
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It take a minute to get anxiety and a lifetime to get rid of it!!
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Re: Dizzy - help RLR?
Reply #5 - Mar 4th, 2008, 6:59pm
Okay, well let's not go too far out on a limb to suggest that I'm a heart expert. Neurology sufficiently strains my capacity without any considerations regarding cardiology.

To your question, I would ask whether you wish to share the name of the SSRI you are taking. Some of the newer forms of this medication actually affect norepinephrine as well as serotonin and the effects in some cases can be quite dramatic, both from a positive and unpleasant perspective. Psychotropics are a difficult class of medications because the range of side-effects by those taking them can vary greatly, sometimes with a degree of unpredictability in less common cases.

If you find that your symptoms have coincided with the administration of the SSRI, then speak to your doctor about whether you're suffering from side-effects and whether dose-related changes are a consideration or the use of an alternative medication is warranted.

Dizziness is often characterized differently by patients and it's one of the more difficult symptoms to accurately pin down. If you feel light-headed and just a little off balance from normal, then dizziness is essentially not the right term. If you sense either the room spinning or yourself spinning and you develop the sudden inability to stand upright or oriented as a consequence, then the vestibular system is likely being disturbed and feeling faint or weak is usually not associated with this kind of sensory disturbance. There are many causes and too many to list here, but  in general I would say that medications are high on the list, with syndromes like Benign Positional Vertigo being responsible for a vast majority of cases as well.

If it continues, then it's always wise to discuss it with your primary care physician to determine whether evaluation is necessary. As for the palpitations and anxiety, you certainly know that you can have good periods mixed with bad and cause for these changes in intensity can be hard to define.

Best regards and Good Health
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Best Regards and Good Health
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Re: Dizzy - help RLR?
Reply #6 - Mar 5th, 2008, 1:45am
Thanks for your reply.
The tablets I am taking are citalopram 20mg per day. What I would say is that before I started taking the citalopram I remember the GP asking how my heart was and I said fine as I had never experienced unusual palpitations. It continued to be fine for about 5 or 6 months on the medication. (my main symptom was dizzyness (constant lightheaded feeling interspersed with intense dizzy spells and of course this led me into bad panic attacks.

The palpitations continued for another 6 months until I decided I felt I would like to come off the medication. When I did I went downhill fairly quickly with anxiety and the palpitations got worse (I had a couple of runs of AVnode re-entrant tachycardia - which was caught on a holter monitor). Anyway things got bad again and I went back on the citalopram.

What do you think? Previously i wondered if it was the tablets that started it all off - messing with my central nervous system. But I felt so bad anxiety-wise I had no other option. (Did CBT for quite a while too.)

Now I long for the day I can come off the medication as I was never happy taking them - but it concerns me I will plummet like a stone and start having more severe palpitations.
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