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Fast heartrate episodes (Read 5081 times)
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Fast heartrate episodes
Dec 07th, 2011, 1:15pm
Hi RLR, everyone,

I'm back with tales of woe!  Been doing well for over a year, exercising nearly every day, running 10ks 3 times a week and doing circuits.  No probs with ticker.  Hardly get any ectopics at all.  Resting heartrate 54.
Back in September I awoke in the middle of the night and noticed my heart was beating very fast.  I counted it and it was beating at about 150 - 160 bpm.  I became quite anxious after some time when it hadn't slowed down.  I worried about it for days after but it didn't happen again.  
I carried on running and doing all my other exercise.  Then it happened again one night and since then it has done it about 30 times, mainly in the middle of the night and sometimes first thing in the morning.  I've also had it happen while driving to work.  What happens is first I notice a weird sensation then my stomach feels all acidy and then I notice my heart get faster and faster.  It feels like it's never going to slow down.  
I know this appears to be a panic attack and I actually think that it probably is but I'm not sure whey I'm suddenly getting this happen to me.  So in October I couldn't exercise because of work commitments then my wife had to do jury service for a further two weeks and I had to sort out the children etc and again couldn't train. The following week I had to work nights and then I came down with a sickness bug, followed the next week with a cold and now I've got some sort of ear infection!  
So I have not been able to run or do any exercise properly for some time.  However the 3 or 4 times that I have afterwards my heartrate has remained very high in fact on one run my heartrate was 140 on finishing and dropped to 90 within a few minutes but after I had a shower it was back at 150 and stayed like this for nearly an hour!!  This has now given me anxiety about exercise as I don't want my heart to race post exercise!!!  
I'm also experiencing something totally crazy.  I was prescribed Locorten vioform ear drops for my ear infection and started taking them.  On day 2 I put 3 drop in my ear and almost immediately felt dripping at the back of my throat!  I know the ear and throat are connected but I didn't think the drops could go straight through like that!  
I was concerned because the drops have a warning that they cannot be ingested.  Soon afterwards my mouth started filling up with saliva and since then this has not stopped!  I've been to the doctors who say the eardrops are safe even if they go down your throat and my ear is now fine but they are completel baffled to why I should be producing so much saliva!!  So all in all I'm pretty fed up what with my mouth and my heart racing and not wanting to exercise anymore!  
I truly believe this is all anxiety and in my head but just wondered how best to break this loop and get back to my normal self.  
Hope you all are doing really well and hope you all have a superb Christmas.  Any thoughts RLR?
Best Wishes
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Re: Fast heartrate episodes
Reply #1 - Dec 7th, 2011, 5:20pm
Hi, its sounds to me like inappropriate sinus tachycardia.  Do you get dizzy during these episodes? I know when I take a shower my heart rate always jumps to 140(depends on how hot the water is though).  I have heard that it is not at all dangerous and 160 really isn't that fast.  I know how hard it is to ignore this.  Does it feel like a fluttering sensation in the chest?  Hang in there , you will be fine.
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Re: Fast heartrate episodes
Reply #2 - Dec 8th, 2011, 10:32am
Hi Richard,

With regard to the ear drops, it appears by your description that you may have a small perforation. Although you don't mention it, it is more likely that you are experiencing otitis media, or the middle ear, rather than otitis externa which is the outer ear canal. This is more particularly true if you if the ear infection was subsequent to an upper respiratory infection mentioned. The application of ear drops into the outer canal should not be able to surpass the tympanic membrane. These medications are often best delivered by repeatedly pressing the tragus, or the small skin flap that protrudes just anterior or in front of the ear canal, a process known as tragal pumping. If, however, you can taste the medication, then it is penetrating into the eustachian tube and into the nasopharnyx. Having said that, small perforations in the presence of infection are not altogether uncommon and most often self-resolve without further intervention.

The drops you mention contain a corticosteroid and an antibacterial component. The only concern in actually ingesting the drops is that the corticosteroid can sometimes induce adrenal suppression but in virtually all instances, this is observed in children only. I share your doctor's response that the drops in your case are entirely safe.

As for the saliva, I would ask whether you are experiencing any discomfort of your throat. If you are salivating to the extent that drooling is occurring, then I would suggest to you that it would warrant prompt attention by a look inside your throat to rule out the presence of a peri-tonsillar abscess. It's rather doubtful, but if drooling is present, then it would warrant attention.

Otherwise, if the salivation is merely more productive than you are accustomed to but not to the extent of drooling, then I would simply monitor it throughout the period of treatment for your ear infection and until the respiratory infection resolves to determine your post status with respect to over-salivation.

Concerning your elevated heart rate, there are a number of possible causes but I would wonder where you are presently with the upper respiratory infection or cold mentioned. If not resolved, then it can indeed play a role in the manifestation of sinus tachycardia.

It does not necessarily suggest that you are experiencing panic threshold events, since the realm of symptoms associated with such events is quite characteristic among most persons who suffer them and you make no mention of other symptoms to support it. The fact that the tachycardia is extending for periods up to an hour would typify the need to have the episodes evaluated on ECG. I do not believe they are life-threatning, nor do they suggest any type of arrhythmia is present which would warrant intervention. It simply suggests that they've occurred at a frequency rate which would require direct assessment before I would be able to comment further.

You'll be fine. I would seek to obtain an ECG if the events can be captured in your physician's office or a holter to discern their character when they arise.

Please keep me posted and let me know the results of any visits if you care to comment and I'll provide response.

Best regards and Good Health
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Best Regards and Good Health
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Re: Fast heartrate episodes
Reply #3 - Dec 8th, 2011, 12:06pm
Thanks IMg and thanks RLR,

The ear infection seems to have resolved itself and indeed the saliva has stopped happening today!  Which has made me feel so much better.  I personally think that the drops went down my throat and my anxiety caused the excessive saliva to be produced as a result of worrying over the fact that I could be poisoned! Crazy I know but I really thought this was the case.  

It seems that my normal resting heartrate is slightly higher than normal because I haven't exercised for 7 weeks and I guess my heart is slightly de conditioned because of this.  When my heartrate goes up to around 80 bpm for no real reason this gives me cause for concern and the increased anxiety pushes it up to around 100 or more.  Today this happened on the way to work and also after a large spicy curry I had at lunchtime.  I am sure this is anxiety related as I also feel shivery and shakey and panicky.  

It's so odd that after 27 years of palps that the heart can manifest different irregularities in so many different ways.  For years I've struggled with odd ectopics then runs of them and for 8 ears I suffered from what I could only explain as an unusual rythmn but now all these have gone and I'm just getting the occasional fast heartrate.

Out of interest my heartrate has ALWAYS taken hours to come back to normal after any type of cardio exercise, mainly after a 45 - 1 hr run.  Normally within a minute or two my heartrate has fallen to around 90 bpm but this usually stays at that rate for about 4 or 5 hours.  This did improve back in the summer when I was running 4 or 5 times a week and my resting heartrate did drop to 48.  Is this high heartrate post exercise normal?  Also could it be because I'm focusing on my heartrate after exercise and linking it with the tachyardia events that my anxiety pushes it up even higher?

Thanks again RLR for you invaluable insight and support.  I will see how things go and if I still keep getting the episodes I will take yet another trip to my doctor.  I really want to start exercising again but I've got to admit this does scare me a bit.  If the fast heartrate is just due to my anxiety post exercise then surely I can come to terms with this once again?


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