in another post below your poster name profile was moderator.. so thats why i asked. But than I saw it was Bigcountry..
So excusez moi

it was Bigcountry who was suddenly made mod
About the anxiety... sorry my friend. I know its the common word here. anxiety is the keyword and the explanation for everything.
But my conclusion about RLR is purely based on logic.
This may sound hard, but i´m a straight shooter so i write it down.
I would be aggrieved if something happened to RLR, but why should I be anxious to hear something happened to him? I have no emotional bonding..
Being a 93 yr old man. Its not uncommon to die. I hope not. But its very well possible. Its even more logic than being a 93 yr old and travel for months. I dont know many 93 yrs old traveling and working for months. So you may think what you think but please stop putting me in the anxiety corner here.
oh and GEORGE is also a moderator here. which he never was. Did beadbabe do this?