Hi all
I'm a moderator on here (not sure why I still am, as I no longer visit regularly, but only drop by from time to time to see all is well).
To fill you in, I have no contact with rlr outside of the forum so I am as in the dark as you all. But whatever is the situation, what I do know is that rlr's words are always here for you to read, and you are not alone. rlr's straight talking and informative replies from all his previous postings are a valuable resource even if he is not here to talk to us today or tomorrow, or in future. (Of course we hope he will be!)
Just about every question you have ever had about funny heartbeats, palpitations, odd feelings in the chest - I guarantee you are not the first person to have that fear, that feeling, that concern. There is an absolute treasure trove of information and support to read through on this site. It's just a matter of believing it.
I've come a long way with my palpitations - I get ectopics every day, every minute, and perhaps they will never go away. I also have an irregular heartbeat (permanent t-wave inversion - no-one knows why) and I no longer let these things get to me. Okay, I have my moments, and I get that they are uncomfortable and not very nice, but I really don't care about them most of the time. And if I can get to that stage, so can you!
