Hey guys, just to add my 2 cents to the conversation...
One thing that helped me was when RLR responded to a young woman in her 20's about her concerns. She had an ECG and ECHO and RLR basically told her that she should be filled with a great sense of confidence, because heart disease takes decades to develop and that being in her 20's meant that she needn't even be concerned with her heart for the next 40-50 years.
That filled me with great comfort because he obviously knows (from a professional, medical and factual point of view) that that is the case. So now most pains and palps that I get, I remind myself that I've probably got at LEAST 20 years of good heart health left since I'm only 27.
Also, one thing I've noticed is that I know for sure what doesnt work
1) Worrying about symptoms
2) Trying NOT to worry about symptoms
3) Trying to ignore or push through symptoms
Apart from some chest pain that I've had almost constantly for the last 15 or so hours, 95% of my days are now symptom free after 4 years of constant terror 24/7. And I've experienced everything in the book! (and even some thing that noone else has mentioned on any forum I've ever read)
But the kicker is, I can't tell you HOW I'm symptom free. I'm literally not trying. And when I tell myself "ok, dont try, thats how you did it last time!" it doesnt work.
So you can't try and pretend and ignore the symptoms, because then you focus on them more (because you have to give your concious attention to them to make sure youre still "ignoring") Its like telling someone not to think of a pink elephant. But you ALSO cant focus on the symptoms.
You literally have to just stop. Because any effort at trying to "get on with life" is like trying not to try. Youre still trying. Its just that now your trying is based on trying not to try.
You just have to literally almost surrender and say "well, this is what I am living with now. luckily i know that it will never hurt me" and you just have to fully accept the pain and palps etc. Like, dont try to get rid of them. But dont even make the effort to say "Im allowing them. Im letting them be". If you get nervous and upset, let yourself get nervous and upset. If youre feeling good, DONT by any means say to yourself "oh, im feeling good! its working! its gone". You just accept the moment for what it is.
This is the only way I have moved from not leaving the sofa or even standing up for like months on end due to fear of having a heart attack, and getting to the point where not only am I regularly going out, but have also performed shows (im a guitar player) at venues like the 02 arena amongst others.
I still get nervous, but I allow it. And when Im not nervous, Im not thinking about not being nervous. Im just there in that moment.
So basically, my advice would be to just not be so hard on yourselves. Life isnt about being pain free and happy all the time. Life isnt about "NO PAIN" or "NO PALPS". Its about LIVING. So sometimes you live with pain and palps (like i am right now) and sometimes you dont. Simple as that. Dont TRY to be any way other than what you are right now in the moment.
And ironically, once you have that attitude (but remember, you cant chase this attitude or ATTAIN it, its about NOT chasing or NOT attaining) then all your symptoms will vanish by themselves.
I never thought I would make it to the point that Im at now