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Here's a Question for All of You (Read 422895 times)
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #345 - Sep 11th, 2012, 12:38pm
Richie...it is no longer hope  : )  If you listen to RLR and read more and more about anxiety, its symptoms etc you will find out that what RLR has been telling us all along is the truth!  We are doing this to ourselves....not disease.  

If you give up the battle you will win the war!!!
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #346 - Sep 13th, 2012, 5:59am
Add on

Went through a tough night. I always have a painful dull chestpain..last night..Much pressure left chest ,arm, shoulder,
feeling of weakness and like a glow that made me nausiated and like I was going to have a heart problem-attack. it came back 2 or 3 times in 2 hours. today it is still there. the dull heavy pain is under my arm pit left, and chest and arm left. sometimes it 's like the heavy pain and dullness goes away a bit, but when I lay down the problem increases again!!  espescially laying on my back and even more on my right side the problem increases more and I get strange skipped beats and sometimes like I have some small coughprickles in my throat.
I really dont understand what this about!!??
What does my laying down on your right side have to do with my heart??

I live with pain on my chest for 4.5 years now and it NEVER goes away. Just when I start to believe it maybe ok whatever I have. Anxiety or Roemheld or whatever.. something happens I never experienced like that before.

How will I ever know where this come from?
or is this also anxiety? And anxiety causes you permanent pain and sensations on your chest and never leaves in 4.5 years?

If you live with pressure on your chest every day, and every day it increases to a level which becomes unbearable or at least not funny anymore, and you feel your heart, skip, or go way faster in the process, how can I keep convincing myself this is nothing more than anxiety?
Shouldnt I had one or two good weeks or days than??
very low on moral at the moment.
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #347 - Sep 14th, 2012, 8:43am
WoW when I posted there were 20513 views and now we are at almost 20700+...what is everyone thinking when they come to this post? Is it helping, hurting?

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #348 - Sep 22nd, 2012, 12:35pm
Hi all,

I'm still around, but I've become more of a lurker for the time being since I don't feel that I've been able to have any input.

I don't really have any updates or anything with respect to my situation. All I can say is that I haven't changed from my previous position, which was a great improvement. I have almost no anxiety and symptoms now. I still feel the odd skipped beat now and then, but never pay attention to them anymore.

In all honesty, I'm beginning to forget my troubles in the past. I can't fully recall the reasons why I believed I was improving and to be frank, I don't care to. I'm just happy that I no longer have panic attacks and incessant worries about things that just aren't real.

I still find myself worried about certain things from time to time, but I don't feel the need for the reassurance of the forum anymore. I've just come to accept that I am fine and I am enjoying my health as best I can. No longer do I feel the dark cloud looming or the chains dragging. I wish I could share the secret with you all, but I don't think I'm able to articulate how I've come to be in this position.

Suffice to say, with time I've been able to improve my primary factors, including Chron's disease, a very bitter and stressful home life and my life prospects. This has probably only improved my symptoms, so perhaps I've only just now fully accepted that anxiety is, as Dr. Rane said all along, just a symptom of something else.

I'll try to be active, but I struggle to find things to say in this thread now, and would just take up time going over old things to no avail.

I also hope that no one is going to see me as somehow magically and mysteriously escaping the trap. I think the key at least for me, is to forget a trap even exists; for in reality, it doesn't.

Anyway, as I said, I'm still around regularly, I just don't know what else to say about this. Good luck everyone! We all have our own paths to walk.

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Crohn's disease (active terminal ileitis) - diagnosed 2007. Taking: Imodium 2mg x 2 daily. 25 years old (updated 10-June-2013).
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I Love YaBB 2!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #349 - Sep 24th, 2012, 9:46am
George....great post!!! You may not think it but post from you like this are a BIG help!

I am glad you are doing so well.  I am getting there myself even though the road isnt a straight one!

Keep posting when you can.


Big Country
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #350 - Oct 2nd, 2012, 12:42pm
The Anxiety Trick....

The toughest thing I think most of us go through is the thinking that we can control fear.....The Anxiety trick is feeling a sensation in the body then experiencing fear because of it. The point that most of us are at is well beyond this and now we have told our body so many times to be afraid of this feeling or feelings that is does it automatically!  We cant control this initial fear and this is the most frustrating part of the whole thing.

The sooner you realize that and shift from trying to control this automatic fear to working on your reaction and thought patterns to this fear the better you will recover from this anxiety.

Instead of fighting non stop to avoid feeling this fear you need to feel it and then relax in  to it!  Make your body and mind understand that you have made a mistake and you are now working on correcting it.  We spend too much time avoid it and being scared, disappointed etc when we do experience it rather than working with it and accepting it.

This is the only way out.  It is not an easy way....but it certainly is the only way out!!!!

Big Country
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #351 - Oct 15th, 2012, 8:46am
Just bumping this post because I think its way too important to fall back off the first page  : )

Hope everyone is doing well!
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I Love YaBB 2!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #352 - Oct 29th, 2012, 7:27am
Just a bump as I think this post is extremely important and has helped me tremendously in my venture back to sanity over these palps and anxiety : )

I hope everyone is doing well.
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #353 - Oct 29th, 2012, 9:16am
I thought I would update everyone on my progress with Palps and anxiety.  Things have been progressing although not as fast as I would like  : )

I have been able to do things I havent done in years with little or no anxiety and my mindset overall with these skipped beats is definietly shifting!  I am MUCH stronger mentally towards my skipped beats overall.  I think I am frustrated at how slow the process is but constantly remind myself that I have literally been scared to death for 7+ years so how could I possibly get over these things quickly!

I dont let these things stop me from doing anything anymore...I still have anxiety and that is to be expected but it is reduced.

I hope you all keep working hard mentally to get past these sill skipped beats!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #354 - Oct 30th, 2012, 5:13pm
Certainly glad to see you're making progress and it serves as testimonial for encouragement to others. Great work.

I also once again make note of the number of views for this thread by contrast to the number of responses. Note that it exponentially outranks any other single thread in the history of the forum. There is an extremely significant element of insight here and I suggest that you make the effort to explore the reason.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)
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I Love YaBB 2!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #355 - Oct 31st, 2012, 8:54am
Thanks RLR...recovery is definitely a long road....or maybe I am making it longer than it needs to be but I find my habits on all levels that I have developed are very entrenched and breaking these habits seems to be the hardest part!   Mentally I think is where I am making the most ground....physically I still feel myself tensing at the symptoms and I am working very hard on just letting them be as bad as they want and teaching my subconscious that there is nothing to be afraid of!

Any words of wisdom for recovery would definitely be welcome!

Big Country

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #356 - Oct 31st, 2012, 10:24am
I also I have improved on the mental front. Palps don't scare me so much anymore.
And for the time being I'm also better physically speaking. My symptoms become quite a lot reduced when I:
1: Don't eat and drink too much too late.
2: Take antacids when I feel "something's coming up". I believe now that acid is part of the problem for me. Even though I don't feel "burning sensations" often.
- So for me it's definetely also a "digestive problem".

Best of luck to all.
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #357 - Oct 31st, 2012, 6:46pm
Okay, "habits" which are detrimental are rarely examined and defined.

They actually represent coping patterns which are most often a passive approach to life circumstances. In other words, they are rarely, if ever, are electively established by the individual and always produce outcomes that are mere relegation rather than anything purposely desired.

In order to change life patterns, you must absolutely design and carry out active patterns or habits and above all, never disobey them. The self-motivation and discipline to strictly abide by these vital rules is where most people fail and it occurs for two primary reasons. The first is that the positive consequences are seldom perceived as immediate and the latency of such a reward schedule results in procrastination beyond the planning stage. There is a lot of thought given to the matter and even some effort may be directed toward change, but once results are not immediately observed, the power and drive to continue until the goal is met very often fades into the background.

A good example of this tendency is seen in dieters. The true success which underlies dieting is not the diet plan at all, but rather a permanent change in lifestyle and eating habits. Most people look for an easy way around the circumstances and feel energized by purchasing exercise equipment, fad diet products, join the gym and buy books on the topic. All of this secondary effort quickly fades and the equipment ends up being sold or collecting dust in a corner and the other products wind up being a sore account of money not well spent, resulting in rebound weight-gain and emotional downturn.  

Anxiety, regardless of the focus, is neither a disease nor a disorder but merely a state of mind. It is the practice of engaging in constant anticipation of future consequences based largely upon irrational and inaccurate analysis. Emotional factors are relied upon to a greater extent than logic and the subsequent outcome of such analysis can produce outcomes capable of diminishing one's general outlook and thus, blunted motivation. In other words, constant peering into a future filled with nothing beyond a series of potentially negative outcomes alters one's present outlook and motivation to seize the day.

Life must not be anticipated at a pace faster than it can be experienced much beyond any given moment. To do so is to deprive one's self of the most vital ingredient which gives life its force and will to thrive.  

You must establish a clear and definitive set of goals to change your life's direction, not a set of rules to try and rid yourself of negative thinking patterns. You can't unscramble eggs. You are misdirecting your efforts toward an outcome of the underlying problem rather than the problem itself. This common misconception usually manifests in the form of self-ultimatums. In other words, individuals so afflicted will often exclaim "I could get back to my life if only these darn symptoms would go away! If only these problems would subside, I could focus upon myself and make things better." In other words, "My problems must first go away before I can make the effort to change."

The true problem is not the one you are presently contending, if you see the point here. It is critical for you to understand that changing your life patterns and goals results in the commensurate resolution of what you presently and incorrectly believe to be the problem, which in actuality is merely a secondary factor.

The key here is to set your goals for the day, not the future. When you wake for the day, establish your goals and set out to meet them in the most successful manner possible. Once you become accustomed to making it a great day, you'll find it turns into a great week and then a great month. Before you know it, you'll be celebrating the New Year with the realization that it had been a good year. That's how life is really choreographed, not by sacrificing your day in anticipation of what might happen.

You're suffering because you're choosing to miss out on the magic of the day by trying to peer into the future. You must draw your attention strictly to the day at hand and no further. You'll find that life fits together very nicely at such a pace. The best part is that the next day arrives and you get the chance to do it better than the day before.

Life is but one chance. Whether you engage it or simply watch it go by, it will proceed in one direction only. Given the choice, which one will you choose each day you rise to meet it?

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)  

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« Last Edit: Nov 5th, 2012, 6:24pm by RLR »  

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #358 - Nov 1st, 2012, 11:06am
Hey guys, just to add my 2 cents to the conversation...

One thing that helped me was when RLR responded to a young woman in her 20's about her concerns. She had an ECG and ECHO and RLR basically told her that she should be filled with a great sense of confidence, because heart disease takes decades to develop and that being in her 20's meant that she needn't even be concerned with her heart for the next 40-50 years.

That filled me with great comfort because he obviously knows (from a professional, medical and factual point of view) that that is the case. So now most pains and palps that I get, I remind myself that I've probably got at LEAST 20 years of good heart health left since I'm only 27.

Also, one thing I've noticed is that I know for sure what doesnt work

1) Worrying about symptoms
2) Trying NOT to worry about symptoms
3) Trying to ignore or push through symptoms

Apart from some chest pain that I've had almost constantly for the last 15 or so hours, 95% of my days are now symptom free after 4 years of constant terror 24/7. And I've experienced everything in the book! (and even some thing that noone else has mentioned on any forum I've ever read)

But the kicker is, I can't tell you HOW I'm symptom free. I'm literally not trying. And when I tell myself "ok, dont try, thats how you did it last time!" it doesnt work.

So you can't try and pretend and ignore the symptoms, because then you focus on them more (because you have to give your concious attention to them to make sure youre still "ignoring") Its like telling someone not to think of a pink elephant. But you ALSO cant focus on the symptoms.

You literally have to just stop. Because any effort at trying to "get on with life" is like trying not to try. Youre still trying. Its just that now your trying is based on trying not to try.

You just have to literally almost surrender and say "well, this is what I am living with now. luckily i know that it will never hurt me" and you just have to fully accept the pain and palps etc. Like, dont try to get rid of them. But dont even make the effort to say "Im allowing them. Im letting them be". If you get nervous and upset, let yourself get nervous and upset. If youre feeling good, DONT by any means say to yourself "oh, im feeling good! its working! its gone". You just accept the moment for what it is.

This is the only way I have moved from not leaving the sofa or even standing up for like months on end due to fear of having a heart attack, and getting to the point where not only am I regularly going out, but have also performed shows (im a guitar player) at venues like the 02 arena amongst others.

I still get nervous, but I allow it. And when Im not nervous, Im not thinking about not being nervous. Im just there in that moment.

So basically, my advice would be to just not be so hard on yourselves. Life isnt about being pain free and happy all the time. Life isnt about "NO PAIN" or "NO PALPS". Its about LIVING. So sometimes you live with pain and palps (like i am right now) and sometimes you dont. Simple as that. Dont TRY to be any way other than what you are right now in the moment.

And ironically, once you have that attitude (but remember, you cant chase this attitude or ATTAIN it, its about NOT chasing or NOT attaining) then all your symptoms will vanish by themselves.

I never thought I would make it to the point that Im at now Smiley
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #359 - Nov 1st, 2012, 11:32am
great post !!!

I agree, try to not think about them or deny them....is actually giving it power
denying and telling yourself not to fear your sensations is feeding the fear cause you link the sensation with fear.
I do believe you just have to go through everything without putting any meaning on it.

the way you described it is almost Buddha Smiley

I hope I will ever get there..that state of mind.
I keep believing my symptoms dont come from fear but I react upon them with fear and resistance. That I have pain and sensations I cant change,  how I react upon them I can.
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