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Here's a Question for All of You (Read 422892 times)
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #375 - Mar 08th, 2013, 6:11am
Well, I'll leave you to continually ponder your own situation and say nothing more. I'm here to discuss the question previously asked, not enter debate regarding your personal situation, your opinion regarding me or any other individual and will not continue to entertain strawman arguments such as the ones you present.

Please do not respond to this post.
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Crohn's disease (active terminal ileitis) - diagnosed 2007. Taking: Imodium 2mg x 2 daily. 25 years old (updated 10-June-2013).
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I Love YaBB 2!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #376 - Mar 8th, 2013, 6:16am
more humor.

please read again.
it was you who couldnt let go and imply your personal feeling about someone.  and now you want me not to respond
Who do you think you are?   Shocked Grin
I wish you all the best my friend
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Heart Palpitations

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #377 - Mar 9th, 2013, 2:44am
My opinion...

The media pumps us full of fear re: health everywhere we go. Posters, commercials, tv programmes etc. all about our health, and telling us about tragic situations where people die. We are bombarded.

However, I have never seen a commercial about driving safely, or any program about car crashes. You never read about them in the paper.

If most car crashes were reported in the media noone would ever drive again. There are so many per day, but that is why they are not reported, because its so common. Health problems are a bit less likely so when they happen they get front page news. Ie. People barely ever die from the problem we worry about, so when they DO happen, it makes the news.
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"... If your
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #378 - Mar 10th, 2013, 10:15pm
"There ain't no cure, there ain't no cure, there ain't no cure for" ... palps.

Palps are like mice in the house of the body. (NOT rats; the doctors ruled those out ...)
Mice come at day, they come at night, you can put up traps and worry and make plans of how to catch them, they come back. You can reduce their number by not directly inviting them in (reduce your stress, eat healthy ...), you never can tell where they come from; the fields, the streets, the attic ...? But they won't make your house break down.
The sounds of them at night are disturbing, and their little droppings frustrate your aestethic mind, but after all they are ... just mice.
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #379 - May 17th, 2013, 7:39am
Just wanted to move this back to the top....I think this conversation is extremely valuable and sometimes it gets too far back in the pack.....

Palps are very hard for people to understand because they deal with the heart!  One of the things I always concentrate on is the fact that we have activated our Sympathetic Nervous system because no matter what people tell us we have an incredible fear that one of these times our heart is going to fail and we will die.....so we live in this constant state of fear!

ITS THE CONSTANT STATE OF FEAR which I believe is the issue for most if not all of us.  RLR ask a question at the beginning of this about driving a car......none of us has a constant fear of driving a car even though it is VERY DEADLY according to the statistics.  But most of us feel we can control driving a car which RLR also proves to us isnt the case.

I guess my point is we need to somehow convince our brain and every ounce of our being that the palps are not harmful....which RLR has told us.....and then truly believe and get on with our lives.

So many of us have been on this site for years suffering.....we have never fainted, never died, never had really anything happen to us other than the horrible symptoms of anxiety that are self induced caused by our heart flopping around which is mainly caused by our anxiety!

I have been so much better over the last 6 months because I just do what I want to do...I still get some anxiety from my palps from time to time but I am working hard on taking the power they hold on me away.

We can beat these things and go enjoy our lives!!!   Smiley
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Heart Palpitations

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #380 - May 20th, 2013, 5:17am
It took me some days to read all the posts in this thread but I must say this journey gave me a clearer view on what the real problem is. It convinced me not to look at the symptoms but rather look at the root cause.

Although I still don't know the exact cause I do have the feeling I’m getting closer. My therapist told me that I don’t accept myself not to be perfect. Although I can relate to that partly I still don’t feel totally convinced.

For example: I had a panic attack the night after I started using heartburn medication. (I had the feeling that my heartburn caused the palpitations). That whole week I felt anxious and nervous. Only after stopping with the medicine the panic attacks and nervous feeling stopped.

Might it be that taking medicine is just something I don't want because it tells me I’m not perfect?
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I Love YaBB 2!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #381 - May 21st, 2013, 8:36am
Well since I posted my last post a day or so ago this one Thread has received 200+ views  : )

I always wonder why so many views and so little involvement just like RLR says.  But I think I know why....everyone is looking for that key phrase or piece of information that will heal them overnight.  I know I was searching for many years for just that sort of thing but never found it.

What I found here is piece of mind and truly started believing what RLR, a doctor for more years than I have been alive, and numerous other doctors have been telling me.

I think the most important thing we all need to realize is that there is nothing wrong with us.  We have activated our sympathetic nervous system and instead of it giving us some other stress related symptom it gives us palps.....now that we have palps we stay in this horrible cycle either forever or until we have the courage and tenacity to go out and get our lives back.

Trust in your body to heal itself if you are willing to relax and go back to living your life!!! Do not add fuel to the fire that is burning inside you! Stand up and tell yourself that you will no longer be afraid of a skipping heart and in time your nervous system will calm and these will slow down in frequency and may even go away!  I have had a tremendous reduction just n the last 6 months by taking this route  : )

Hope this helps!!
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"... If your
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #382 - May 21st, 2013, 3:29pm
You're right: let's not be afraid of the now-and-then-odd-beating of our healthy hearts. That probably might help. I think so too.

But also: Let's not deny that many of these odd beatings do make many of us uneasy and fills us with discomfort as long as they last.

They are nothing to be afraid of; true, but they are not "nothing". And just saying "forget them", might make some people who can't forget them becuause they feel bad, quite lonesome - if they think everybody else can disregard them just like that.

And maybe - for some of us - even though they are not dangerous in any way and can not even be regarded as disease - they will stay with us forever. I hope to get use to mine - sort of on a higher level Smiley
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I Love YaBB 2!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #383 - May 24th, 2013, 9:06pm
I will ask this here.

Anyone knows if RLR is ok
Been weeks when he was online
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Heart Palpitations

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #384 - May 27th, 2013, 3:07am
Drive a car daily.
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Heart Palpitations

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #385 - Jun 4th, 2013, 4:06am
I'm starting to see a link between my palpitation and stress. Even more after I had a week without palpitation when I was occupied with something I find very intresting. After I was less occupied they started to come back again.

Recently I've asked my therapist why these palpitations happen out of the blue. Atleast for me they do / did.

He explained to me that these palpitation can happen when you feel one of the 5 basic emotions (sad, angry, scared, happy, embarrassed).

I asked him because the week before I once again was experiencing these palpitation while talking to my girlfriend. She asked be why websites were able to exist on the internet and how the internet works. I'm an IT consultant so was able to explain to her exactly how this works. During my explanation I felt a couple of palpitations and couldnt make the link between my explanation and stress. Just after my conversation with my therapist and his explanation of the basic emotions I saw the link. Namely; During my conversation with my girlfriend I asked myself several times if I was explaining myself clearly to her.

However, there are still some other occasions were i'm not able to reasure myself. For example when bowing, drinking water or taking a deep breath. I cant explain to myself why they happen and apparently I find it difficult to just accept it.
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I Love YaBB 2!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #386 - Jun 4th, 2013, 8:14am
Bowing, Drinking water and taking a deep breath are all things that activate the vagus nerve!  If you read back in many of the post from RLR he explains these types of things in great detail....absolutely nothing to worry about!
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Heart Palpitations

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #387 - Jun 10th, 2013, 1:32am
I'm new here and posted a response to this thread saying that I daily drove a car. I was trying to get my posting numbers up so as not to be thought a scammer and I actually thought the thread was as simple as it first appeared.

I've now read the thread through.  It seems plain to me why so many view it and so few post in it.

It is a very intense thread.  The people who post in it are very articulate.  Very articulate people intimidate those who are less so.  Most people aren't that interested in other people's problems except insomuch as they can throw light on their own problems.  Lots of people here only want the doc's insights.  

The doc has told you that palpitations are an expression of anxiety. He and others have given advice on how to help this particular physical expression of anxiety (palpitations) by breathing, splashing cold water on eyes, elevating legs, holding the nose and trying to breathe out etc.  He has explained about the vagus nerve.

You may as well have social phobia, ibs, ocd - maybe you do - but the problem is anxiety, not one of its physical manifestations.  However it is good to learn tips to deal with your particular manifestation.

Take the tips away and then turn to your anxiety.  If you are waiting for anxiety treatment use some anxiety tips in the meantime like deep breathing, exercise, trying to stop the dreaded rumination.

Well I'm 66 and have had palps and anxiety and bouts of depression all my life, so I'm no better than anyone else, but I can testify to the fact that you're not going to die of palpitations or take any physical harm from them.


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