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Here's a Question for All of You (Read 401498 times)
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #330 - Aug 28th, 2012, 7:16am

I went back to my fysiotherapist who is skilled in anxiety like disorders.
I went back cause I need to work on my cognitive behaviour to my bodily symptoms. The need for explanation, re assurance.
I know I have severe pain and chestproblems, skin burning, some strange values. today a vitamine D deficiency came through the labtests and you can read also I found something new the EKG said. non specific interventricular conduction delay.
the cardio a month ago said everything was fine but the paper that was sent to me told that the EKG had read this
So again I start to wonder whats wrong

I genuinly feel this cant go on.
OR i am in severe problems , which would mean all doctors are morons cause they dont seem to think so... or seem to take pleasure to think everone is a hypochondriac or.... I am the moron...

So i caved in. I am the moron.
I went to her..told her everything and she understood and told me that

- I have been training my brain to think i;m in constant danger. I became highly sensitive of bodily sensations, interpretated them als dangerous or not normal, so my brain has become familiar with that

She told me that its completely logical that if I believed that exercise was too much for my body, my brain started to act like that and gave impulses to my body for it. I have pavlov´ed myself that pain is not normal and therefore i'm in danger that now my brain and body use pain . anything closely related to doing something that I normally think as ( well I dont know, This is not normal, I dont trust this, I'll probabably fall dead if doing that, my heart cant take this) only the idea of doing it or before doing this triggers an immediate (anxiety and pain response) in my body.

consequense.. I´m not using my body anymore and I feed and stimulate the fear and the pain and symptoms. therefore the body weakens.
any time I try to exercise, sometimes just walking, I usualy get triggered with more symptoms,
this is normal she said.  your brain starts to tell your body..DANGER
THIS is what we told each other NOT to do. so STOP.
you have to learn your brain again there is no danger. but first this will probably increase your symptoms while starting to change this behaviour by moving.
I needed to accept this and not try to explain it. or feel it. Just let it be.. take it with you in your back pack ..and thats it.it will not go away, but you dont have to feed it. Its in there and it stays in there.

I told her I was afraid of doing that,so I knew it was the right hit on the nail what she told me.
She said..ask your last medical questions and then close it in your back pack

I told her that I did want to know about the thing I wrote just earlier in a new thread.
She said..ok..try to get your answer and then it stops..
you need to change your approach here.
It will be a bumpy ride.and was going to be tough

Lot to digest. Its scary..but it makes a lot of sense.
I hope i'm strong enough..
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« Last Edit: Aug 29th, 2012, 6:20am by richie »  
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #331 - Aug 29th, 2012, 11:02pm
another smaller update

Well yesterday I went out and took my virtual back pack with me . In there all my sensations and symptoms.
It was hard. I quess i managed reasonably well.
Went to sleep. I live in Europe so I just had the night behind me and had a very rough night. I started "talking"to my symptoms and sensations. Tried to have no fear. Because I wasnt to sensitive on my heart I suddenly noticed that the pain and belching/burping shifted and started moving under my ribcage. Normaly its a bit in the middle and right under sternum , it suddenly moved to the left and instantly I felt my left chestmuscles and shoulder and jaw react and it really felt like my heart would explode. A lot of burping again. and after an hour it just shifted back to the right place of my chest. symptoms deminished left and all the chestsymptoms now occured on the right side.

this has to be stomach or bowel related
I mean i cant imagine that if it was my heart the symptoms would shift
Can bowel irritations and stomach irritations. I have the idea its my bowel, can these symptoms heart like problems and chest pain?
As far as I know, yes they can.
Does it fit in the story I told yesterday or is there a bodily cause for the pain and chestsensations I feel. my stomach or bowel?
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #332 - Aug 29th, 2012, 11:28pm
Of course I can't tell about you and your situation, but I have heard and read - and felt - many times that stomach related issues can have an impact on or feel like heartsymptoms.

I feel with you in the frustrations of not being able to tell what causes what.
I seem to go through changing periods of symptoms and not having symptoms. And when they are there often, I can't help looking for reasons. One sure trigger in my case is rather big meals with deserts and wine in the (late) evening. But I also get my symptoms in other situations. At the moment I feel it can be quite positional. If I lie on the - especially left - side, I get "a spell" more easily, it seems, than if lying on the back. Actually I get them mosten often when lying down. Unfortunately the "cure" of getting up and get going isn't so attractive at night.

Good luck.
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #333 - Aug 31st, 2012, 1:16am
hi Martin !

I recognize what you wrote.
Its like I wrote some time ago. every time I start to try to believe its anxiety or gerd or nothing serious at least , my body throws new curveballs. (symptoms)
Last days my chest pain and chest pressure are quite heavy. A lot of burping and standing up seems to increase my sensations. Just moving from sitting down to standing up and try to walk to the kitchen or bathroom gives an increase in pain and pressure on my chest which is greeted with excessive burping and sensations of fear or vaso vagal like? (sweating seems to come up slightly,and a glow in my body, sometimes a slight shivering shaking takes over and the feeling I'm going to die or vomit everything out of me). Its this strange increase in symptoms that keep distracting me and bring me right back to my arteries and heart.
I would like to know if anyone has the same sensations? does it sound like something others experience as well?
And if anyone could explain why this is not heart or arteries related but something else?
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« Last Edit: Aug 31st, 2012, 11:16am by richie »  
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #334 - Sep 7th, 2012, 12:31am
I was wondering how you guys are?
Lately I only read myself at this thread. Although I'm a nice guy Wink Grin I would really like to read how you all are doing .

update myself.
I 'm exercising a bit more. almost everyday i',m walking a few miles and I notice i'm a bit more active. I keep noticing I have pain on my chest for 24 hours a day. This is going on for almost months now. Lot of burping. At night laying down the pain on my back I feel the pressure on my chest.
I notice I really never stop focussing or thinking about WHY I feel what I feel. Its like a radar tuning in. There are moment I still think I have angina pectoris or heartlike problems. Then often i think. Almost impossible cause why should you feel constant pain there for months and still be here? doesnt make sense.
Then I suddenly sometimes wonder if my oesophagus or stomach have a problem. offcourse cancer being a true anxiety like hypochondriac like person crosses my mind then.
the strangest thing is , I got an instant lumbago . .. try to carry something and poooff my back instantly reacted. this time middle of my back . could hardly breath from the pain and I could hardly move due to the pain. Then I dont mind having this pain. the first day I really couldnt move from the pain but still I walked and so on. When I know what it is , I dont seem to mind pain at all. But the problems on my chest are much more a problem for me. I just dont trust the sensations. More and more my attention shifts to my oesophagus And really thinks my problems arise from problems in there.
Most of my pain is always a bit to the right of the middle of my sternum and a bit to the right of my ribcage below. the whole of my chest and ribs and arms and shoulders and to the back often hurts, but that right side of the sternum is really always there. adding up the excessive burping and you know that I will start to wonder..

Is there anybody who can tell me if this is oesophagus related?
or would oesophagus problems be right behind the sternum or left?
When I lay at my right or left side the pain increases a bit. WOuld my oesophagus react to this?

I hope you guys do better !!
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #335 - Sep 7th, 2012, 1:09am
Hi Richie

You really MUST be a hypochondriac with all the different symptoms that seem to come and go. Smiley  Smiley

What might interest you from MY little universe here, is that I was at the MD yesterday because I felt that my palps and other stuff was SO related to the stomach/GI-trackt and intake of food. Really had this feeling of strong pulse while lying down all night. Extra systoles now and then.
The MD did an ecg at once, everything ok, then he felt and pressed my tommy to see if he could feel anything wrong which he couldn't. No aneurism either. That would really HURT, he said.
And THEN he told me in stronger terms than I heard before at my doctor's how strong the connection between the stomach (also the stomach-acid) and the heart is - through the vagus nerve. Good old RLR-song for me, but he really emphasized the stomach-heart relationship. Which certainly also relate to the causal relationship I have noted: Eating and drinking too much, too late causes palps.

He offered me betablockers which I didn't want and then he offered me a "proton pump inhibitor", Pantoprazol which reduces the production of acid in the stomach. Even though I only now and then feel reflux, he thought it might be a good idea.
And this first night with this medicine doing its thing was just so good. Though of course I don't know if the medicine is to praise.

So that's what's new around here!

Good luck and remember doing things that hasn't anything to do with you bodily feelings!

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #336 - Sep 7th, 2012, 5:17am
hi Martin

good to hear from you.
So the vagus nerve and the correlation between stomach and palps again made !!
Very good to know (again).
I probably do fit the hypochondriac type of person. Although I sometimes bring on that I wasnt this way BEFORE my sensations.
I will add that no sensation ever leaves. I have always the same sensations. or get more. Only the sensations on my chest shift from left to right sometimes. The way how I try to explain it, differs a lot.
Heart, angina pectoris artherosclerosis, than oesophagus , then the worry maybe something neurological cause I do have skin burning and sore muscles. and so on.
thats the anxiety and hypochondriac in me. I want everything to be explained perfectly and than I accept the pain or sensation. like the lumbago in my back now. It doesnt stop me at all, cause i know what it is and I dont mind.
I wish my symptoms and sensation took a weektrip or went on a holiday.  Wink

again nice to hear from you !!
Keep the faith !
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #337 - Sep 7th, 2012, 5:49am
Yeah, I really understand it must be so troublesome with these sensations.
Well - just a shot in the dark - have you ever considered some of the alternative ways of healing, I think of techniques which deal with how our nerves work and/or how we think: Hypnosis, acupuncture, cranio-sacral-therapy, a.o. - who knows, maybe some of theses can change the ways the sensations travel round between your body and brain?
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #338 - Sep 9th, 2012, 2:32am
martinpetersen wrote on Sep 7th, 2012, 5:49am:
Well - just a shot in the dark - have you ever considered some of the alternative ways of healing, I think of techniques which deal with how our nerves work and/or how we think: Hypnosis, acupuncture, cranio-sacral-therapy, a.o. - who knows, maybe some of theses can change the ways the sensations travel round between your body and brain?

That really is a shot in the dark. None of the disciplines you mention are scientific or evidence-based. Accupuncture? I'd be willing to stick a load of pins in you for free if I thought it would help and save you the health lecture from an unqualified, non-professional "practitioner".

I don't even know what Craniosacral therapy is, but is sounds like crap to me. The 1st line on the Wikipedia article states:

Craniosacral therapy is an alternative medicine therapy used by osteopaths, physiotherapists, massage therapists, naturopaths, and chiropractors. Craniosacral therapy was developed by Dr. John Upledger around 1983 and is based on Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF), which was developed in 1899 by William Garner Sutherland.

And if it's used by osteopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors and quacks, it must be BS. It wouldn't surprise me if homeopathy found its way in there somewhere. I don't know about hypnosis, but I think it's BS too. The respectable British magician Derren Brown uses a "psychological twist" in his acts. It's all showmanship and traditiional magic, but he often uses hypnotism as part of his shows and he claims that almost everyone is just playing along. He actually does many shows debunking psychics, mediums and other psychologial trickery like this.

There's no reason to go down the alternative route. Why go for alternative, when there are proven treatments available in the standard route? The alternative route is filled with snake oil salesmen, lies, false claims and is actually quite dangerous to those with serious conditions.

When I was really ill with Crohn's, I was desperate for a cure or treatment that worked aside from standard drugs. I went down the alternative route and tried herbs, diets and lifestyles and none of it worked. I must have been taking about 10 different herbal capsules a day and I'm just glad that most of that stuff doesn't work because if it had have been filled with active ingredients, it may have done some damage. I never fell for the accupuncture or homeopathy crap, that's just ridiculous; though I think there may be some evidence accupuncture has been used successfully for headaches and migraines (but really, just take some painkillers).
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« Last Edit: Sep 9th, 2012, 1:31pm by George »  

Crohn's disease (active terminal ileitis) - diagnosed 2007. Taking: Imodium 2mg x 2 daily. 25 years old (updated 10-June-2013).
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #339 - Sep 9th, 2012, 6:24am
Hi George

I dont know if chiropractic things are BS.
Is osteopathy BS.... I dont know
I think Martin meant well and I thank him for that.
We shouldnt get into a discussion like this particular one, cause it has no real use on this forum-site. All i want to say that all Western medicine isnt great either. As long as anti depressants are still the most prescripted pills in the world we are doing something wrong.
I think the human body is more than meets the eye, and what works for person A sometimes wont work for person B. Although it should be working. there are people walking out of an hospital, just being thoroughly checked and they die on the parking lot just in front of that same hospital. I think we know many things in medicine, and the more we learn, the more we learn we dont know that much.
I hear the things about vitamin pills , not nescessary to take in a normal healthy food intake.my docs say..even if I have a D deficit and B12 low normal  values. We cant make vitamin C in our own body and so on..so I beg to differ with my doc... I think there is no money involved for the pharmaceutical companies  so therefore vitamins are often described as bogus. The problem is in todays society you dont know who or what is right or wrong . too many opposing interests.
The same in medicine unfortunately.
In the end we have to take each they as it comes and be thankful that your healthy if your healthy. or at least also FEEL healthy.
I should be healthy by most doctors I speak, yet I feel terrible physically. I´m in 24 hours of chest pain a day. week in week out. If I try to do something, even sometimes eat, or try to just stand up, my pain increases. my skin burns everyday.I feel weak, easily ill with colds, .. and yet people say I´m totally healthy physically . I quess I have to take Anti depressants also , cause I do feel terrible although doctors cant find out why.
So its or thats called psychosomatic.
So like I started.... is psychosomatic bullshit and just a word for sensations and symptoms doctors cant explain...or are they right !!
I really dont know , I wish I knew, it would make my struggle much easier.
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #340 - Sep 9th, 2012, 1:05pm
George, I don't think you should put all the alternative stuff in one big trash can. You might be right that some or most of it is close to swindle and a lot might not be evidence based, that is "western-medicine"-evidence. But really: acupuncture is more that just stickin' pins in random places in people; the Chinese have uses this technique for 100s of years, and it does have an effect on some symptoms. As far as I know, among other things as painkiller and anaesteziser. Actually quite a few traditionally educated doctors have learned acupuncture and use it now and then.

And I think that's interesting in this forum and when discussing Richie's and other people's symptoms. Because we are talking a lot about sensations, right?
We sense palps, pains, burning or whatever. And we learn from RLR that once our hearts have been tested ok, these sensations are benign. And by realizing that, a lot of anxiety might be diminished.

But still we FEEL these thing and they annoy us. Some of them can be explained (GI-system-vagus nerve-heart or axiety-vagus nerve-heart) But it's not easy to break these "chains", and since the nervous system is involved, since the brain with all it's "understanding" of pain and origin of pain is involved, why should we not try or experiment for instance with a technique like acupunture, which in some way must involve the nervous system, though the Chinese call it "medians".

Maybe you're right, George, about the Cranio-Sacral-stuff Smiley  
I actually tried it once, and, well I don't know excatly what it did, but one thing it actually did, was work as a method of relaxation. And relaxation is certainly one of many means to treat anxiety, so ...

Why not see if some of these alternative techniques might help people with their benign but annoying symptoms?
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #341 - Sep 9th, 2012, 1:49pm
Well, why not? Because none of the claims made by the alternative medicine folks are supported by evidence. In order for one to make a claim that treatment A works for a given disorder, it must first be demonstrated that treatmeant A has efficacy in treating said disorder.

One may not simply claim that treatment A works without first providing a reason why. That reason, actually reasons, comes in the form of research. That is to say, testing the treatment on animals with the disorder in question, measuring results, measuring symptoms, recording the data and building a case for the use of the treatment in humans.

The case is then recorded in a medical journal where it can be peer reviewed and tested by other researchers in the field, which is where it either gets accepted or thrown out. The alternative stuff doesn't go through this rigorous process, so none of the claims can be substantiated. This is why it isn't to be trusted and should be avoided.

If you truly believe that the claims you've made are fair and valid, please provide some trusted scientific journals where the treatment(s) and/or therapies named can be substantiated. If there is efficacy in any of them, there will be evidence to back up the claim. If the evidence exists, you'll find it in a scientific journal, so please find that information and post it.
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Crohn's disease (active terminal ileitis) - diagnosed 2007. Taking: Imodium 2mg x 2 daily. 25 years old (updated 10-June-2013).
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #342 - Sep 9th, 2012, 2:08pm
This is - as far as I can see - a medical performed study of the effects of acupuncture:

These are articles which in more general terms describe what acupuncture can do.

Doctors using acupuncture:

These links might not provide the scientific evidence you are talking about, but at the least they show that quite a few, well trained and educated doctors and others use the technique of acupuncture and experience a certain degree of succes with it.

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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #343 - Sep 11th, 2012, 9:26am
Well hello everyone!  I hope you all are doing well.  I just wanted to check in with a progress update.  Since the last time I have written on here my wife and I had our 3rd child and first boy!  Pretty exciting times as well as sleep deprived and very stressful.   As you all know these too things, stress and lack of sleep, can make all of your symptoms run away and feel horrible.

So I decided that I would look at these symptoms another way this time around.....instead of reacting and stressing that they were coming.....and come they did.....I just did nothing!!!   I didnt react and I didnt fear that they were here.....did they still feel bad?  Absolutely!!!  But this time they did not grow and grow like they have in the past!  I havent slept good in 3 weeks...I have palps all day everyday, feelings of dizziness, anxiety etc yet it bothers me about 50% less because I am not reacting!!!  

This is truly the answer....I have been in the OR when my son was born, had a ton of visitors and because my wife had a C Section I have been responsible for every need my two older daughters have....and yet I have been able to do it all because I JUST DONT CARE ABOUT MY SYMPTOMS ANY MORE.

For those of you who still dont believe its anxiety....you will continue to struggle until you give up the fight!  How do I know...because for 7 years I have fought tooth and nail against all of the feelings and trust me when I say I HAVE HAD THEM ALL.

Let them go and get your life back....it will not happen over night or even in a months time....but it will happen!

I will keep checking back in and updating you and wish you all the best in your conquest to get your lives back!

Big Country
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Re: Here's a Question for All of You
Reply #344 - Sep 11th, 2012, 12:33pm
hi Big Country

Again congrats with your 3rd born child and a SON!!
great !

Also very good news you do better.
I hope, I really hope you are right and it will get better!!

keep the faith and hang in there
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